What is wrong with this country?
Any place more than one illegal might hang out should have federal agents taking them to jail...
Honestly, how hard is this?
Obviously very hard for our government...
And you want them to take over your health care???
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Illegal workers line up to file taxes
Posted by
The Game
2:03 AM
Labels: illegal immigration
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It's a Joke! Two obvious points:
1. They all know that nobody is going to hand them over to Federal agents. Clearly, there is a lack of fear.
2. They are hoping that all these documents would help them expedite their path to citizenship when amnesty is declared!
Here is the bigger joke – All these things are happening under a President who claims to be a conservative! Go figure!
It's a damn shame it's happening under Bush, one of the biggest failures of his presidency.
Here’s an idea, why don’t we elect the foxes to guard the henhouse?
Sure - go ahead if you trust in Foxes...
So what would you do vitalness?
Maybe, just maybe, since our guy let us down, we should elect those whom we know will let us down. Of course its all just a puppet show, and you do seem easily amused.
So what's the solution, oh informed one?
Vote Dem? Vote Repub? Start a revolution? Or did you just want to ridicule those whom made the obvious choices?
Maybe we should raise hell, in the hopes that people that supposedly represent our interest actually listen. Oh, that's right, you poopah that also.
I eagerly await your wisdom.
Blamin Boy,
Solution is to implement the rules that we already have! Let’s see if you can understand this.
Well, I didn’t expect anything but garbage from your confused little brain. Are you sleepy kid? Why don’t you go to bed?
That's not a solution, Vittal, that's a goal. How do we get those charged with the duty to get it done?
Marshal Art,
How do you get the police do their job? How do you control the street thugs? How do you get the drivers follow the traffic rules? How do you get a good customer service from a business house? How do you get your kids behave at home? How do you get the job done at your office? How do you make everyone pay their taxes? How do you make soldiers fight a war?
In other words, what happens when you don’t follow the rules? You face the consequence. The fear of consequence makes the system work!
You get it now? Key word is ‘implementing’ the rules. And, it starts from the top.
In answer to your questions, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't. That’s the whole problem Mr. Simple Answer. Nothing is getting done from the top. Not congress, nor the Prez. So how do we make them “face the consequences?” Raise hell (isn’t this forum a form of raising hell)? Vote in a new person to ignore the problem? Mass demonstrations in the street? What? Please give us your solution, how do we make “them” face the consequences?
The problem is apathy, and that can be laid at the feet of the socialist, after all, its part of the plan. I’ve had a vision, a vision of a room full of children arranged in a semi-circle, around a television set. All sitting cross-legged with their heads tilted towards the object of their adoration. Multiply this by thousands, no tens of thousands, no hundreds of thousands. Now add in Mom and Pop after a hard days work, sitting on the couch, engrossed in the latest, greatest, concoction. Multiply this by thousands, no tens of thousands, no hundreds of thousands. And who controls these “concoctions”? What seems to be the overriding message or theme?
I know it’s hard for you to fathom, especially when you have so many obvious (who defines obvious, hmmm?) scapegoats. Try thinking out of the box.
The answer is for people to wake up and exercise the cancer infecting this world. Become informed, point out the obvious manipulations, resist the “quo”, don’t allow yourself to be funneled into a shoebox, raise aware children, become informed!!, that’s the solution, or at least a start.
"The fear of consequences", give me a break, the libsocialistweenies have done everything in their vast power to make sure there’s no consequences. And those of us that teach consequences are ridiculed.
Blamin, blmain, blamin – Is there anything you can do other than blaming? As usual, you are confusing your little brain.
Alright - Do you have a job? If yes, I have a suggestion for you – from tomorrow onwards, go to your work and don’t do anything, ok? You will get a very CLEAR idea on how the concept of ‘consequences’ work...alright? Sounds like a deal?
Good nite!
None of your questions in your post of April 17, 2007 10:45 PM answer mine. This problem has been going on since Reagan's amnesty. No one's doing anything. What is your plan for making any charged with the duties mentioned do their jobs, or failing that, face the consequences? At this point in time, only waiting for the next election and hoping there's a candidate who covers this in his platform that I can vote for is about the extent of it. Any ideas?
Marshall Art,
Let me put it this way – what happens when you don’t do the job that you are hired for? You get fired clearing the way for a new candidate, right? That's the consequence I am talking about.
I think you got answers from my questions – that’s why you are talking about voting for the right candidate. Before election, we should ask them to clearly define their stand on important issues. Not wishy-washy talk like Clinton or Rudy. We should hold these politicians accountable for what they promised when they ran for office. When they don’t do what they promised, they should lose their job.
By the way, what are your plans? Are you upset with current immigration chaos? If so, what are you planning to do about it? (Other than waiting for the next election) I am curious to know.
Of course there would be consequences at my job, it's a capitlist endeavor after all.
I see you were silent on the point of certain political persuasions, advancing a non-consequence agenda. Of course there are consequences for certain actions amongst the shadow socialist, one example is using the phrase "nappy-headed-hoe" by an older white male.
Your "blaming" comment rings hollow. If the socialist are following their play-book almost to the letter, and it seems to be working, I suppose we should ignore the problem, after all we shouldn't "blame" anyone.
And hence the whole problem, there seems to be no consequence for those in elected position for bad decisions, the next automoton on the totem pole simply takes their place. Of course this is a problem that effects practicaly all of politics, but if you think hard about it you'll notice an amazing amount of failed liberal polices getting a free pass.
But you go boy! Start slapping those consequences on 'em.
So you didn’t try what I suggested last night, did u? Good - Glad that you got my point finally!
As I just posted in my earlier post to Marhsall Art – It’s all about delivering what you promised. When you get a job, you promise them a level of service. When you fail to do it, you get fired. You will get fired even in communist China!! So, don’t give me your talking points here.
Regarding your ‘blamin’ nature - Yes – You are a ‘hollow’ person with absolutely nothing but blaming to offer. I have yet to see a solution or plan from you. Do you have any plans? What are you doing to address the ‘failed liberal policies’ other than sounding depressingly pessimistic? Now, I am wondering who is actually promoting non-consequence agenda here!
"By the way, what are your plans? Are you upset with current immigration chaos? If so, what are you planning to do about it? (Other than waiting for the next election) I am curious to know."
No fair. I asked you first. But while I'm here....
I don't that there is a whole lot I CAN do about it. I'm more than happy to report those I'm certain are illegals. Barring that, I'm not going to lean on everyone with an accent until they show me their papers. I don't believe I have the authority to insist anyway. So, all I'm left with, as far as I can tell, is to support candidates that feel as I do, or as close to it as possible, and see what happens, and in the meantime, hope that calling my representatives will result in action of some kind.
As to your goldbrickin' analogy, I'd get fired if my manager was doing HIS job. I wouldn't if he wasn't. The owner will rattle his cage until he rattles mine or he'll be out before me. But the real problem with the analogy is that the owner has a real, tangible and personal stake in the business. Politicians don't have that. They may pretend they do, but obviously, if nothing is getting done, it proves otherwise. At the same time, if nothing is getting done due to political opposition, I'm not going to vote against the guy next time around.
But I digress.
How do we get Border Patrol to do their jobs? If they're doing their jobs, but their superiors are dropping the ball, how do we get THEM to do their jobs? If they're hogtied by local or federal law, we have to get on the phone with our reps in government. On and on it goes.
BTW, are you gonna call YOUR rep?
It’s like this Mr. do what I say not what I do.
I happen to be very involved locally, especially concerning our schools. We (myself and a group of concerned parents) were involved in having the High/Scope educational program/agenda (a socialist indoctrination system, wrapped in feel-good rhetoric & a few decent ideas to give it color and legitimacy) removed from our local school system, and I’m happy to report many other systems in the state seem to be following suit.
I also don’t hesitate to point many of the dazed and confused, towards differing points of view, other than the points being spoon fed to them by the sound-bite media. It’s very satisfying to see the light “click” on in a few of these people’s eyes.
Regardless of what you believe is sufficient vittal, I’m not naive enough to believe I can simply walk around in kind of a suspended animation stupor, spout platitudes and obviousisms, vote once a year and make a difference.
What about you vittal? Do you stand on your soapbox at the street corner preaching consequences to the bemused passing by? Do you hug trees, hump chimps, and shake your fist at the man? Share your knowledge and let us know – what’s the plan?
Marshall Art,
Ok – I won’t ask any questions. True – you asked me the questions first! Smiles…
As far as the analogy I gave – I again disagree with you. Politicians have a personal stake in the business called ‘politics’. They all want to stay in power!! That’s the key. They need our support. I understand that it is much more complicated system than a simple business model. However, the underlying factor that keeps the model running is ‘performance based on incentive’ or ‘action-consequence’.
Just to give an example – look what happened in the last elections for senate and house. Because of Iraq issue, republicans lost the majority. We also know that it was a vote against Bush – Not a vote for democrats! And, as you saw somebody lost their job immediately following the elections!
Yes, I do call our representatives and leaders. Based on my experience, your word carries more value when you approach them as a group, not as an individual. I have seen them responding positively when they realize that there are substantial number of votes at stake!! There was a reason why I mentioned Cupertino, Sunnyvale area.
If you think your trash talk is helping you make a point here, you can’t be more wrong. So...when you grow up and get mature, let me know. Till then, go back to...whatever you do best...yea – the blamin and bitchin!
Sooo, Mr. Sarcasim can't take sarcastic comments.
I take it you're calling a truce on the BS, Junior?
Couldn't be more happy to oblige, I've only been trying to make you see the light for about 2 weeks now. Glad to see you agree. Now, that wasn't too hard was it?
Stick to the issues, it's much easier that way.
So, what's the solution. Don't hand me this "vote 'em out crap", I think it's been illustrated that it's note quite enough.
Ooops, is "vote 'em out crap" considered trash talk? Let me rephrase. Don't hand me this "vote 'em out stuff".
Let's take the immigration issue for example. What's the solution when the politicians taking the place of the ones we've voted out, adopts the same position that's pissed us off to start with? Because that seems to be the modus operandi.
Let me get to the heart of the matter. Immigration is an easy issue (unlike being responsible for our consequences, for example) , because as of yet, the propaganda machine hasn't convinced the masses that we're bigoted assholes for opposing illegal immigration (but they're trying mighty hard, and given time...?). So it's easy for many to oppose the obvious shortfallings of an open-boarder policy.
What is your solution for this problem? If the majority continually votes in people who support that which, we're against, are you going to invoke the "oh well majority rules" argument, or are you going to address the issue of the effectivenes of the propaganda machine. Once you're willing to address that issue, you have to look at cause and effect.
Actually I was trying to clear your clog for two weeks now. There is a difference between sarcasm and trash talk. I don’t mind sarcasm but I try to stay away from trash talk/people as much as possible!! Good to see that you are trying to grow up leaving behind your trash talk!! To that extent, I feel better and accomplished.
Immigration – I have already said this many times before. Implement the rules that we already have!!! We already have rules!! We are not debating a new policy here. Ask your leaders to implement them. Use every channel you have to communicate. Tell them that the failure to implement the rules will cost them votes. Don’t give them a free pass – let them feel the pain. Let them realize who actually support them and what they really care for. We can also boycott those business houses/corporations who openly employ the illegals (problem is almost all businesses have illegal workers – another result of ‘not implementing’ the rules)
Think this way – what will happen if police in your area don’t do their job and crime rate goes up? Personal gun and big fence can only do so much. So you will be left with two options – either move to a different location or stay back and engage with your leaders/reps to address the issue.
We have been giving our leaders a free pass for too long. Each time we approve a ‘fake’ leader who says something and does something else, it only gets worse.
Majority always rules – you like it or not. Question is - Why do we wait a minority to become a majority? Answer – we supported ‘fake’ leaders who promised something and did something else!! Yes, we have been sleeping for too long!! If we don’t get the right leader in there, today’s open border crowd will be tomorrow’s majority. And, then it’s too late for anything!
Very nice! I have to remind you, your words have been recorded and saved, so the old "I'll project a different reality, instead or what really happened" won't work as well, as say...how the Clinton presidency is portrayed on CNN.
But on to a more pressing issue. Why not attack the propaganda machine that is responsible for the minority becoming a majority?
To simply take the attitude, "the majority rules, oh well, try harder" is not good enough. Especially when one side of the debate has on overwelming advantage in the mass media.
If you don't recognize the importance of that advantage, then you've definetely been asleep at the wheel.
There is a cancer permiating society all the way from kindergarten to the upper echelons of the media giants.
To say "thinking people shouldn't
be influenced" is sticking your head in the sand. To deny the effectiveness of the mass media is to deny reality.
That's why you have to attack the machine. If it weren't for talk radio and the blogoshpere, there would be no "give and take" of ideas in this country. And even this is flawed, because more often than not, the people that gravitate towards a particular medium, for the most part, have allready made up their minds.
What happened to open debate of differing ideas in the classroom? The most important place to have such discussions.
Take the time to imerse yourself in what is being taught to the future adults of this country. No longer is critical thought important, questioning the status quo is definetley grounds for a failing grade (instead of extra credit for thinking out of the box).
Once it's "decided" that co emmisions is killing our planet, or that rap is the poetry of the oppressed, or that orange pants is the sign of intelligence, to question otherwise is to question the hallowed informed ones, and invite ostrization and a failing grade.
I say it's high time we took back education in this country. But to do so strikes at the very foudation of the gargantuan propaganda machine, who will use any means necessary to maintain the status quo.
Are you scared? Or do you simply deny the problem exist?
As I thought, when you get a little close to the real problem; people can't handle it!
I don't blame you, why endanger the status quo?
Oh – thanks for reminding me – I didn’t know that I was leaving a trail of records here!! Thanks for the brilliant piece of information!!
Attacking the propaganda machine is fine. The question is – which propaganda? The propaganda from the ‘other side’ is easy to attack. We need to be smart enough to identify the propaganda from our own side!! That’s the first step. Otherwise, your so-called attack would be useless and a joke!!
To attack, you need a good leader who can get good support and credibility. Also, we need someone who doesn’t forget his base and fight for them. What we DON’T need is someone who moves to his base during the elections and then abandons them to join the party with media and business moguls!!
Majority always rules – you better understand it. More you sleep and forget the reality, more you lose!
Are you scared to admit the fact that there are some ‘fake’ leaders who have derailed the whole movement and pressing for ‘comprehensive immigration reforms’ (aka known as ‘amnesty’)?? What credibility you will have if you don't admit this first?
I agree with you – when you get a little close to the issue, they can’t handle it...Can they? I don’t blame you either...
I agree whole-heartedly
You guys aren't going to kiss now, are ya?
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