Two statements that show how little the "head" Democrat knows:
"I believe ... that this war is lost, and this surge is not accomplishing anything, as is shown by the extreme violence in Iraq this week," Reid told journalists
Wouldn't it be terrible if you thought this way in your life on a daily basis...
Many good reports coming out of Iraq lately...then one bad one...and the war is lost. I am so glad I am not a liberal with this loser mentality in my life. Maybe that is why liberals love communism and want the government to take care of them. Life suck, everything is always wrong or bad, and they just give up...let someone else do it.
"I know I was the odd guy out at the White House, but I told him at least what he needed to hear ... I believe the war at this stage can only be won diplomatically, politically and economically."
So the next time I say that liberals want to talk to terrorist and try and be their friend...Jay and Jim better not say they "never hear any Democrat talk like this" or "I don't know any liberal who says that"....well, MANY think like this loser, and here he is saying it right out in the open.
Okay America...ready to vote in someone who thinks like such a pathetic loser....someone who comes from a thought process that does not understand evil or human nature?
Not me...
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Iraq war is 'lost': US Democrat leader
Posted by
The Game
2:17 PM
Labels: Iraq, war on terror
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One can never win a contest of arms with words.
I don't care is someone is against the war. One could plausibly argue that the Islamic faith today is screwed up beyond belief, and given Iraq has no Ataturk to transform the country, spending dollars and blood there is futile. This position may be true. This position may be false. But it is a rational, reasoned position.
Pacifism-- this nonsense about political solutions, diplomacy, negotiation, therapy, et cetera, works with Gorbachevs, but it does not work with Hirohitos and Hitlers. That Democrats like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi really believe in pacifism frightens me, and leaves me worried about the future of this country. Too many citizens are sleepwalking through history, and believe maintaining our security is giving into fear.
In the broader context, we are no longer the country of Patton and MacArthur. America suffered 23,000 casualties in a single day at Antietam during the civil war, but now we blubber about 3K KIA fighting al Queda and other jihadist factions trying to destroy a democracy for medievalist goals.
"I know I was the odd guy..."
Had he stopped there, Reid would have hit the nail on the head. He IS the odd guy, but in his party, he blends in perfectly.
Liberals don't want us to defend ourselves internationally or personally, as evidenced by VA Tech's "gun-free" attitude and lefty states like Illinois having restricting concealed carry laws. How I would love a world where we could all resolve our differences peacefully, where our enemies could be convinced to live in peace with us. Unfortunately, I have to live in the real world where evil exists and likes to walk around in the open. Harry Reid and company needs to open their eyes to reality. More importantly, those who vote Democratic need to open THEIR eyes, and reconsider. I maintain that if these "diplomats" can work their magic amongst the gang-bangers in our own cities, or the Hell's Angels type gangs, or the Mafia type gangs, all groups of people who aren't up for dyin' for THEIR cause, then perhaps I might be inclined to give their STUPID foreign policies the time of day. Until then, their gonna get us all killed.
I guess I'd tend to believe the ass a little more if he and the rest of his ilk (and you KNOW its the majority of his party) would stop spewing their BS rhetoric and PUT IT IN WRITING, ON THE RECORD.
Like a vote of some kind. So there can be accountability and RECORD for his words and actions.
What an ass.
Unreal, you are quoting him so he must be on the record.
Game, as usual you ignorantly conflate the Iraq conflict with the "war on terror". Reid doesn't want to make friends with terrorists. You know it or you are simply a partisan hack.
Most people today actually understand that the solution to the Iraq conflict is political and not military, and it doesn't involve terrorists. If the Shiites and Sunnis find a political solution that is a win-win, they will take care of the terrorists themselves.
But go ahead and bash Reid if it gets you off.
I'd love to read some of the good news coming out of Iraq. Could you please cite some with links? just look at mr-holier-than-thou jim go!
I quouted him...yeah, before he started spinning "what he meant."
If other lemmings like you were serious, make him VOTE to end the war. After all, HE VOTED FOR IT and now its a lost cause anyway, right? The word is "bullshit artist", in case you were wondering.
This one is just too precious!
"Could you please cite some with links?"
In the MSM, right?
Try this one first:CLICK ME!
Unreal, you are...well, unreal. This is so old that I can't believe you still keep this in your "arsenal".
"Between March and July 2003, he says, he was taken to four sites in southern Iraq -- two within Nasariyah, one 20 miles south and one near Basra -- which, he was told by numerous Iraqi sources, contained biological and chemical weapons, material for a nuclear programme and UN-proscribed missiles."
"He says"? "He was told by numerous Iraqi sources"?
"it would reveal the incompetence of the Bush administration in failing to neutralise the danger of Iraqi WMD."
Why would this example of incompetence be any worse than all the others?
This, Unreal, is what you call a good story coming out of Iraq?
Umm, not convincing.
"Most people today actually understand that the solution to the Iraq conflict is political and not military.."
Please cite the poll that supports this contention.
Here's a link for ya.
There, Michelle Malkin has several videos that present interviews with Iraqis as well as US military personnel describing the benefits of our pre-emptive actions and continued presence. I haven't sought them out, but I've heard and read references to Iraqi blogs that also give a more favorable testimony of our presence and the good things that have resulted. It's out there if you just look, instead of just reading the lefty spin jobs.
Here's one.
Yeah, Jim. Thanx. 1009 people polled. Out of, how many in the USA? Good poll. Question 14 was the most significant question, but they only accounted for 99% of those polled. 1009 people. Let's all hang our hats on that.
Marshall, I believe that all polls with the possible exception of ACTUAL ELECTIONS are done using sampling. I'm pretty sure the experts are pretty darn good at selecting samples.
I just Googled Fox news dynamic opinion polls sample and got a bunch of polls where the sample was 900, 1200, etc. I guess their polls are for shit, too.
I guess under you criteria, every poll ever published is invalid. Or is it just the ones that challenge your "world view."
You have to have a "representative sample" in order for your thesis to have any validity.
No shit Sherlock! I happen to believe that the Gallup organization knows how to pick a representative sample.
"I just Googled Fox news dynamic opinion polls sample and got a bunch of polls where the sample was 900, 1200, etc. I guess their polls are for shit, too."
Yes. They are. If my time is to be spent reviewing polls, I'd like to see at least 25,000. We're a country of, I think, 300 million, and these boobs are expecting me to give a rat's ass about the opinions of 1000 people? That can't possibly be representative of the nation, I don't care who they asked. And as if that ain't bad enough, most questions are asked in a manner that can't easily be answered to the respondent's satisfaction, so he'll choose the closest answer or the poller will answer it for him. Some questions are just misleading, or provoke answers that give an improper impressions of what the respondents' actually feel. Finally, the topper is how the results are played by the politicians. The results of these 1000 peoples' responses are put forth as a true representation by whoever can most benefit by the results, and policy is pushed. Screw polls. Their importance is way overblown. It's nice to hear that a poll goes my way, but once I find out how few people were contacted, it's totally meaningless and for sure, I'd never use it.
I'm going to remember that the next time you or anybody else here cites a Fox News Opinion Dynamics poll.
Feel free. You won't see me citing any polls except to bust balls. And that's just for fun.
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