Isn't that when the hippie movement started...the slow deterioration of our culture and common sense?
Coincidence, I think not!
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Mass Shootings More Common Since 1960s
Posted by
The Game
9:55 PM
Labels: failed liberalism
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Yep, them thar gun totin' hippie killers. That's it.
Let's see, the Dick van Dyke show started in the 60's. Personally I think that's what started all the shootin'.
Isn't that when the hippie movement started?
It's also when humans first landed on the moon, when the Beatles had all their hits, when England won the world cup, and when "The Brady Bunch" premiered.
You can also correlate the rise in mass shootings to increases in pollution, a greater number of billionaires, the spread of capitalism, the proliferation of FM radio, decreased rates of smoking, increased obesity, and so on.
None of it means a damned thing.
(P.S. You could also correlate it to the increased availability of higher-powered firearms.)
lol...I knew that would get you going...
However, I do honestly believe the way we raise kids today causes them to freak out and not be able to handle the real world...and that can be credited to the spread of liberalism
I think the linked article was pretty clear about the reasons for the rise in mass shootings: We got no idea!
Yep those peace and love hippies are the reason for so much violence? Bwahahahah...actually if you relate the liberalism to the self esteem movement and everyone is a winner deal then I agree. Life ain't easy and all kids should know that from the earliest days. I never let my kids win at anything. They must truly do it to win. As my son does on a regular basis when it comes to video games and sports.
I wonder if more conservatives or liberals beat their wives and kids? I can guess but I have no stats. My point is it is probably a combination of a number of things. As most things outside the self righteous blogsphere are. I think Jay was's the Brady Bunches fault.
Ron you were so close....
Why are shootings more common these days?
Do I think hippies have much to do with it? Not directly. But we're now taught manhood is oppressive by the 60s generation, and taught being the eternal adolescent is an ideal. Morality is no longer taught in school, which means men are no longer taught to master their deep emotions. Infact, the opposite is taught -- we must "express ourselves." Then we act shocked when people express rage, hatred, and frustration, instead of suppressing it.
Wow, that's heavy man!
"Wow, that's heavy man!"
No. It's painfully obvious.
ya, I'm sure that striving for nirvana without any serious, in depth thought to the consequences has nothing to do with the sickness in today's society.
Jim what do you expect from Jason the thesis boy who seems to have trouble thinking in any terms but academia?
The Game said...
Ron you were so close....
Game, This is a good example of how fruitless my endevors are here. I admit to some of the shortcomings of my side and even agree with your side on occasion(because I am an independent thinker and not a cultist) but you and yours refuse to even consider that your side may have some and or bear some responsibility too.
Ron said,: "I wonder if more conservatives or liberals beat their wives and kids? I can guess but I have no stats."
You think you can guess, because you've bought into the stereotype.
On the other hand if you were to say “I wonder if more liberals or conservatives beat their husbands and kids? I can guess.” You might be on to something.
Funny blamin that you think all the thoughts I have are buying into stereotypes and everything you say about liberals is accurate. I guess my years of experience on the planet mean nothing. I should just ask you what to think next know so much more and have spent your life being so much more observant than I.
Many modern liberals are the enemies of thought and a free society. People like you prove this time and time again.
I work for a contractor for the Illinois Department of Corrections, but having a working class job is never an excuse for being stupid. For liberals, being a know-nothing moron is a badge of honor. Leftwing dolts like Michael Moore even brag about how much television they watch.
Many modern liberals are the enemies of thought and a free society. People like you prove this time and time again.
Geez Jason, how much more wrong could you possibly be? Yes, some people are too pc for me and stuff like that irritates me as much as it does you. Which side argues against science the most? Which side trys to push their moral agenda on everyone? First it is the liberal elites and the hotty totty better than everybody and then you say they they honor being a moron. Make up your mind. Both sides have their ideas on places that freedom should be limited. I am against all of that kind of stuff and I have been branded a liberal by nearly everyone on this board. I'm no more a stereotype than you are.
You hit the TV thing right on the head. I can alomst see/feel the brian cells leaking down the legs of those that spend too much time jelling in front of the TV. Guilty as charged! I've zoned out my fair share in front of the tube. But I do make an effort to abstain.
I never meant to suggest any such thing (...I guess my years of experience...) Of course when you make comments like "jason the thesis boy" without countering the decent points he's made... it kind of makes me wonder?
"Which side argues against science the most?"
Are you talking about global warming? That would be AlGore.
Of course if you're referring to things like evolution, ID, creationism, it only appears to be the right because that's how the left likes to frame it. The right only wants equal time for other theories, or at least the ackowledgment that other theories exist.
Of course if you're talking about abortion, that would be the left again.
"Which side trys to push their moral agenda on everyone?"
That would be the left again. They have been trying to argue that there's nothing wrong with promiscuity, homosexuality, etc, etc., and then trying to legislate it. They also try to push their wacky notions about the "morality" of killing one's unborn. The right is only trying to get back to the truth.
Happy to clear that up. G'nite.
What an excellent illustration of “accuse the other side of doing, that which we are guilty of doing”.
The lefties have made such a science of screeching about the supposed excesses of the right, that their foot soldiers/puppets/automatons fail to see the hypocrisy. You would have to ask yourself, “Am I blind, or just stupid?” Excuse me, let me rephrase “am I handicapped or challenged?”
Not that I have any faith they will recognize their inconsistencies
There is a difference between an elite and an elitist.
One can think of elites in class-based terms, which is how I believe you're conceiving the word. This is perfectly acceptable, and there is nothing wrong with calling someone like FDR or GW Bush an elite in this sense.
But the phrase liberal elitist is meant to refer to something different. Namely, the attitude that one must force the herd-- basically people who don't agree with liberals -- to do what liberals believe is their best interest.
Many actors, journalists, politicians, academics, and activists are elitist in this second sense, which is how conservatives are using the word.
To take a few examples, liberals think they know best how to spend the money of other people, they want to ban what they conceive as politically incorrect speech, and they think judges have the right to override the Constitution to enforce Enlightened moral views on others, like cracking open the skulls of babies just seconds before birth.
Now, be certain not to confuse elitism with excellence, truth, or justice. Believing truthfully, for example, that the Earth only has one natural satellite, does not an elitist make. Doing your job well like Luol Deng and Ben Gordon is excellence, and is only being in an "elite" category in a metaphorical sense. And justly opposing those who want to send human civilization back into medieval times, like the Jihad movement, has nothing elitist about it-- we are conservative and love the world as it is.
I can see why you get so many snide comments thrown your way. Your logic is impeccable, and that makes libweenies entirely to uncomfortable.
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