Wednesday, April 04, 2007

McGee gains clout with easy recall win

The man who had to get restraining orders against him
The man who told a woman in court that he was going to kill her
The man who said on TV, "if you have a knife, you should never be shot"
The man who compared 12 people arrested at an inner city basketball game to a Packer game...
The man who said “White folks is sickening! They are some stupid idiots. I mean, they really are stupid…”
The man who has two social security cards, two drivers licences and two passports

Got 64% of the vote yesterday...
Makes it hard to care about the people of the inner city...they don't want to be helped, they must like living the way they do and must agree with the behavior of McGee because atleast 64% of them think and act that way themselves.
Maybe its time to move...


PCD said...

No wonder Doyle doesn't want to incarcerate Black convicts. He doesn't have enough prison beds for the job.

Anonymous said...

Scorpion says---
Another embarrassment for Milwaukee
has just gotten stronger and will now become more obnoxious than he is usually.