Is the school to blame?
The police?
No one?
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Parents Demand Firing of Virginia Tech President, Police Chief Over Poor Handling of Mass Shooting
Posted by
The Game
7:04 PM
Labels: current events
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Take no action until the heat dies down and all the facts are in.
Wanna blame someone? How about those who voted down a bill allowing students and staff to carry a weapon? This goofy punk popped 32 students. If victim #3, for example, had a weapon, 30 innocent kids would still be alive.
This goof was from out of town. Can't say that he was a product of our culture. Unfortunately this abberation killed our kids.
I love how morons are saying this is a great example on how we need more strict gun control laws...marshall you hit it right on the head...the laws prevent people from protecting themselves...this guy would have had a gun either way
Today, I was listening to Dennis Miller. He's really got a decent head on his shoulders about most things. He insists he's not against the conservative (and correct) interpretation of the 2nd Amendment, but he does think there should be some restrictions on semi-automatics like the type used by Cho. His notion was that the framers could not have seen how the advances in weaponry would evolve and thus might not be inclined to protect a Glock 9mm. I would have liked to call in if it wasn't on tape in my area. I would have told him that as a student of self-defense for many years, one of the keys is effeciency. No wasted motion, no unnecessary moves and using what works best to end the conflict in the quickest manner possible. If possible, with the least harm, but the main point is "self"defense.
I don't own any guns. I don't hunt, can't afford target practice costs, and the People's Republic of Illinois is very restrictive. But if I could, I'd carry a handgun. On the hip would be hip, but I'd keep it concealed. From a self-defense perspective, stopping power is a good thing to keep in mind, but also, one must consider the possibility of multiple attackers. Here, a semi-auto would be a good idea. Rapid fire with stopping power in an easily concealed and easy handling weapon are the characteristics I'd try to cover in my purchase. I don't even know if it's possible, but that's what I'd go for. And of course, practice, practice, practice.
So now I sound like some survivalist wackjob. But the clear facts are that people like Cho, Laurie Dan, Niebold and that other punk at Columbine, and who can forget that dude in the clocktower?...these people exist and continue to exist. Add to this list the possibility of Islamic nutjobs looking to score 72 virgins, and how quickly can YOU get the man to show up to YOUR crib or wherever you are when the shit hits the fan?
The 2nd protects our right to bear arms for the purpose of SELF-DEFENSE. Not hunting, not clay pidgeons, self-defense. As to that well regulated militia, that's us. At the time it was written, the people (law-abiding men) were considered the militia.
The best protection against bad guys and lunatic mass murderers is responsible, well-armed, law-abiding citizens. It also helps keep the government from getting too cocky.
You've hit the head nail yet again.
When the “bad” guy is trying to harm your little girl, or boy; they aren’t going to be hollering for the police, they’re going to be crying “daddy, daddy”.
What are you prepared to do?
I've heard the left call for gun control.
Point 1. Virginia Tech is within a Gun Free Zone. A fat lot of good that did the students and staff.
Point 2. There are more guns in the US than there are Illegal Aliens. Jim and Jay are fond of saying that we can not find and round up all the illegal aliens for deportation, therefore how can the greater number of guns be rounded up by th4 same government?
Point 3. Instead of a gun, would the left have been soothed if this guy had used an explosive? Poisoned Kool-aid? A machete?
I think it better that Jay and Jim keep their Big Brother Democrat control everyone thoughts to themselves.
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