Tuesday, May 29, 2007

McGee arrested in federal case

There ya go.
Why will the inner city never get better.
They knew he had two social security cards and numbers...
Two drivers licences...
Threatened to kill a woman IN COURT...
Threatened to kill other people who tried to get him recalled...
That is the tip of the ice burg...
And this is the leader, the role model of the inner city...


PCD said...

He will get off scot-free if the jury is black.

Scorpion said...

The moron McGee has already "accomplished" so many dubious things over his incompetent
political career that you would think it is time to "reward" him for his many transgressions.As PCD
points out, it won't happen.IMAGINE THAT!!!!

PCD said...

Here's a tangent.


Milwaukee voter fraud. Read before you mouth off Jim and Jay.

This could be the reason McGee stays in office.

Jay Bullock said...

pcd, this is all stuff we went over in 2005.

Spend some time in my archives, man.

Jay Bullock said...

I'm sorry, pcd, you deserve a better answer. I feel kind of bad about the blowoff.

Much of the "fraud" in that report was not prosecutable because the evidence was created by poor pollworkers.

For example, when a vote is recorded without a signature on the registration card, that vote is technically "fraudulent." But that vote should also not have been allowed to happen, given that no pollworker should ever hand over a ballot without a signature. But that doesn't mean (a) the person casting the vote wasn't who they claimed to be; (b) the person wasn't eligible to vote, or to vote in that ward; or (c) the person was part of some grand Democratic-organized scheme to steal the election.

One famous unprosecuted case involved a man who registered to vote using his Dept. of Corrections ID that said, in big red letters, "FELON."

Still others on the list weren't prosecuted because they didn't actually do anything illegal. Several had cases dismissed because, though accused of voting twice, they merely filled out two registration cards because the pollworkers (again) asked them to. (And then filed both. Go figure.)

Finally, few if any of them were the kind of offenses that Republicans' selected remedy--photo ID--would have prevented.

If you'd like to prove me wrong, you're free to email or call Steve Biskupic's office and get the information for yourself.

blamin said...


I feel so much better knowing that the Wisconsin poll workers are merely incompetent, and not necessarily fraudulent.

Of course the question begs to be asked - who hired/appointed these poll workers - and who hired the hire-ers?

I also have to ask you about your statement:
"Much of the "fraud" in that report was not prosecutable..."

How "much" is "much"? 10% of the fraud? 25%, 50%, 90%?

I'm not going to bore you with the countless examples of the creativity of democrat voter fraud in the Northeast and Northern MidWest, you can google as well as anybody.

Lets just say that the examples are legion! Why you could even make the case that democrat voter fraud is an art form!

Jay Bullock said...

How "much" is "much"? 10% of the fraud? 25%, 50%, 90%?
Well, Biskupic and McCann together pursued only about 15 or 20 cases, and got fewer than a dozen convictions--most felons--if I remember right.

Since 2005, the city elections crew has been thoroughly shaken up: New head, new personnel throughout, better training for poll workers, and so on.

PCD said...


Have you ever worked as a poll worker? They are trained. They just don't show up.

I have to search for the article, but there is an organized Democrat effort to stuff the ballot box. The punch card ballot was their best friend because they could manipulate the vote by simply recounting and recounting until the ballots wore out or "chads" fell out causing the card to be read as voting for more than one candidate.

Now, Jay, how is that effort Clean Elections or honoring the will of the voter?

Also, a second point. You skipped over the commentary and reasoning why Biskupic did not prosecute and got fired for cause.

Jay Bullock said...

I have to search for the article, but there is an organized Democrat effort to stuff the ballot box.
And I bet I can match you link-for-link with stories of Republican caging, intimidation, and fraud. But what will that prove? I will rely on DoJ studies that show polling-place fraud to be almost non-existent; I will rely on the fact that Republicans pressured dozens of US Attorneys and DAs to prosecute "fraud" in recent years and produced only a few score convictions--mostly for registration fraud and felons voting. The most tenacious legal beagles went full-bore at this "problem" after 2004 and found mostly empty air.

You skipped over the commentary and reasoning why Biskupic did not prosecute and got fired for cause.
Steve Biskupic was not fired. He's still working and just had a press conference yesterday about Jr. McGee. I don't know what you're talking about.

And you skipped over the fact that virtually none of the "fraud" you crow about could be prevented by requiring photo ID, the Republicans' Holy Grail.

PCD said...


The article I'm looking for was one where the expert lawyer Dcmocrats, and I do mean state and the national Democrat party, use to overturn elections where the Democrat did not win explains all the tactics the Democrats use which he designed to get around election laws including the destruction of legally constituted votes by the method of recounting them through mechanical counting machines.

Evidently you are too much of a partisan or too corrupt to see that is just plain wrong.

PCD said...

Also, Jay, when are you going to admit that Bush did not clean out the government of Clinton appointees as Clinton did of everyone else's appointees? Are you honest enough to see and admit that Democrats still in the government will work against the Bush government at every opportunity?

Jay Bullock said...

pcd, are you trying to say that Steve Biskupic was a Clinton appointee? He was not. He was appointed by Bush in 2001. Steve's brother Vince ran for WI Attorney General (as a Republican) in 2002. The Biskupics are Republican all over. And, except for the state Republicans who thought his year-long, expensive, and thorough investigation (cited by many as the most comprehensive) after the 2004 election wasn't good enough--they went crying to Karl Rove--no one ever questioned his conservative or Republican bona fides.

And are you trying to claim that Bush didn't fire all of Clinton's US Attorneys? Because he did. None of the US Attorneys who were fired in 2006 were Clinton appointees, and none of the remaining ones are, either. I really have no idea where you're going with any of this.

And I could point you to Greg Palast's book Armed Madhouse, where he has the emails from Republican officials describing the way they purged legal voters from the rolls in Florida, Arkansas, and other states.

blamin said...


You're relying on that kook - "it's all about the oil" Palast? That champion of Hugo Chavez and buddy of Michael Moore? (Speaking of Chavez, what is it that make liberals love any anti-american dictator?)

I'm curious, did the evidence Comrade Palast presented in his book, result in any convictions? No? Could it be because there was no evidence, only speculation and hearsay?

Jay, since you're part of the 1% of Democrats that don't routinely wail & gnash their teeth, you have my respect. But if you've got enough spare time on your hands to read a book (Armed Madhouse) full of allegations, propaganda, a veritable treasure trove of communal reinforcement for Democrats, then you need to get a hobby.

You know the old saying "know your enemy". I think you'd be better served by reading a book from the conservative perspective, by maybe George Will, William Buckley, or maybe Thomos Sowell.

Jay Bullock said...

blamin, I'm talking about the BBC, which has backed Palast's claims despite England's strict libel laws. He has the literal emails and attachments, and BBC stands behind him.

What I'm curious about is what the hell point pcd is trying to make in all of this.

blamin said...

The "BBC" oouu I'm impressed, the British equivalent of MSNBC, the best thing that ever came from the BBC is Monty Python, oops that's right, they had nothing to do with MP.

I think PCD's point was Clinton "cleaned house"!

One example - can you say "travel office?" No, it wasn't enough to simply replace the people with their own cronies, they had to falsely destroy them in the process, because (once again), they didn't have the 'nads to admit they simply wanted to pay back their own people.

What a bunch of gutless slugs! And to think, Hillary has a better than decent chance of becoming president!

We can only hope that more than 50% of voters have a working long term memory.

blamin said...


by the way - good "change up".

Did you ever pitch in your youth?