Saturday, May 05, 2007

The myths of Morons

20/20 debunked 20 myths on last nights show.
Number 10 or 9 was that gun control laws prevent crime.
They showed just as I have and anyone else who used their brain and not their raw emotions...guns available for people who want to protect themselves equal less crime. They talked to inmates who said if they think someone has a gun they will rob from someone they know doesn't have one.
Liberals are wrong on yet another issue. They are driven on emotion and not facts.
Emotion: guns are bad and we have to get rid of them.
Fact: bad people have guns anyway...if someone had a gun at Virginia Tech, many less people would have died...the kid would have gotten one anyway.


still Unreal... said...

How do you like the sounds of the liberal crickets, Game?

jhbowden said...

Speaking of myths that have been comprehensively debunked-- I saw a "911 was an inside job" bumper sticker on the way to work today. These people consider themselves to be the "reality-based community." Unbelievable amounts of wacko Democrats actually believe this nonsense, sheer ignorance of a magnitude that at times scares me more than the violent ambitions of al Queda.

Many -- we all know who they are -- absolutely hate America and will believe the worst about it and its leadership, even if this entails rejecting all sense of logic, evidence, and rationality, not to mention love of your own life.

blamin said...

Rosie's not a Democrat?

Come on jim, you admitted half of her persona – “she’s a nut ball” – know admit the other half – Democrat and proud of it!

It’s high time you faced reality. There’s a huge percentage of the left wing that disdains the UsofA, and is all for the subjection of US sovereignty to a “higher power”. If you don’t believe me, just go ask Jay.

You really ought to learn a little more about those you support, and/or defend.

Jim said...

Prove that Rosie is a Democrat.

You cannot prove that ANY percentage of the left "disdains" the US. Many disdain the Bush administration and it's policies. Bush and his administration is not equivalent to the USofA despite what you believe.

PCD said...

Jim, you are desperate if you are trying to say Rosie IS NOT A DEMOCRAT.

We have George Soros attacking the very foundations of the country because he wants open borders and free flow of drugs for his addictions.

We have the Anti-American media in the likes to Ted Rall and Ellen Rattner.

How much do you want this rubbed in your dishonest face, Jim?