Tuesday, June 05, 2007

2008 Democrats play God's politics

Luckily I think religious conservatives see through yet another political tactic. You can't just say you pray or talk about God, you have to prove it in the decisions you make. You can't be for killing babies and gay marriage and then hope you can appeal to the religious right by throwing a few lines about God into a speech..


Realism said...

Fortunately, some Christians care more about the teachings of Jesus than the hate filled diatribes of Pat Robertson, James Dobson your ilk.

PCD said...


Uh, many of you Democrats are the False Lights that Jesus warned us about. You twist and pervert scripture to suit your perverted purposes.

One thing Liberals can't fathom is that Jesus demanded charity from us, not from government robbing others to fulfill your charity obligations.

The Game said...

I've never had as much pitty for someone on this blog as I have for philip

Realism said...

And never have i PWNED someone on their own blog as I have the game.

jhbowden said...


You are a legend in your own mind my friend.


blamin said...


James Dobson? Hate filled diatribes? Please explain.


If I were to give you the benefit of doubt, wouldn't it be desirable to care more about the teachings of Jesus, than hate filled diatribes by anybody?

Phillip, I'm afraid like anyone else that's left of center, your views don't seem to stand up to much scrutiny.

Realism said...

your views don't seem to stand up to much scrutiny. This from the person that thinks the entire welfare system is an evil plot by the "Socialist controllers of the Democratic party" to destroy the black man.


blamin said...


after that last snort, you should wipe the powder off your nose.

How else would you explain the insistence of Democrats to continue policies that have been thoroughly shown to have negative consequences?

Ya, ya, I know the canned response is "you'd be worse off, if it weren't for us". But let's be real here.

Realism said...

How else would you explain the insistence of Democrats to continue policies that have been thoroughly shown to have negative consequences?

You mean like abstinence only sex ed? Oh, wait...
You must mean underfunding the EPA and FDA!

Wait, no

I've got it! You are talking about our policies toward the North Marianas Islands, where the U.S. is complicit in slave labor, sex slavery and forced abortions.

no, those are all republican policies, so why don't you get off your high horse.

PCD said...


If you can't take care of yourself, how can you expect others to take your views seriously? The Nanny State is a failure every time it is tried.

blamin said...


what a cop out

The Game said...

guys, philip is a waste of time, he never addresses anything said, he can't stick to topic, he is emotional...a typical liberal...
I would like to see him show how liberal social programs have helped poor minorities...he can't, cause liberal theory is the cause of their problems...

Realism said...

show how liberal social programs have helped poor minorities

Total graduate and first-professional enrollment and percentage distribution of students in degree-granting institutions, by race/ethnicity: Selected years, 1976–2005

Total minority % 1976-10.2% | 1980-10.7% | 1990-12.0% | 1995-15.6% | 2000-19.4% 2005-22.7%

Yeah, that affirmative action, it really harms minorities.

he never addresses anything said, he can't stick to topic, he is emotional. That sounds as stupid as most of the other bs you spout.

BTW, How come I don't see data ever backing up your arguments?

jhbowden said...


The enrollment rates above are attributable to the increase in the non-white population in general, including latinos and asians.

What you're not looking at are the graduation rates. Nationally, blacks and latinos are graduating college at far lower rates than whites and Asians. There should be outrage over this. What is the cause?

Affirmative Action. It places students in institutions beyond their level of educational achievement. A large percentage of minority students get discouraged and drop out.

Reason has a good article on the California experience. Affirmative Action was prohibited in the California system over a decade ago. We saw a drop in enrollment among minority students in the most competitive institutions, but the minority enrollment remained constant throughout the system. What changed was the graduation rates. Black and hispanic graduation rates doubled from 26% to 51% percent, on par with white and asian graduation rates in the system. This is an amazing result that has gone unreported in the liberal media.

Of course, if liberals had common sense, they could easily guess the outcomes of their stupid policies in advance.

Jim said...

Game said, "guys, philip is a waste of time, he never addresses anything said, he can't stick to topic, he is emotional...a typical liberal..."

This is Game's typical cop out when he has no argument. "off topic", "emotional", "angry."

Marshal Art said...

"This is Game's typical cop out when he has no argument. "off topic", "emotional", "angry." "

No, it's Game's typical response when you guys ARE "off topic", "emotional" and "angry".