Sunday, July 15, 2007

Truth about the economy

The economy is great, has been growing for about 5 years now. Since liberals and the media can't admit that, they make up things like "real income" and other silly terms that didn't exists before 2001.

Here is one little fact that you will not be able to refute. Liberals like to say that the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer under Bush. Well, if you look at the link , the rich got richer under Clinton. Now, in a sane persons head, that is a good thing. But people can only make more money and have it not be reported as evil the small amount of time a Democrat is President.

From 1993 through 2000 (numbers adjusted for inflation):
The gap between the lowest fifth and the top 5 percent increased from $222,000 to $276,000

In 2005, the gap was $270,000.