With a price tag of about $110 billion per year
You know that number would go up and up and up
With 47 million Americans currently uninsured
Where do we get that number? I teach kids who are poor and need to have health insurance to play sports. The only ones who do not have insurance are kids whose citizenship is "questionable" and kids whose parents are such pathetic losers that they can't even fill out the forms they need to get free insurance.
So my tax money is now going to go for illegal immigrants and lazy, pathetic losers who can't even do the small amount of work to get the free insurance that already exists. This is ridiculous.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Clinton to offer health care plan
Posted by
The Game
7:29 AM
Labels: Clinton, health care
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There are only 8.3 children who lack insurance. Your "argument," yet again, falls flat. If you're interested in moving beyond mere talking points, you may educate yourself at the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities and the Kaiser Family Foundation.
If you want a discussion, why don't you acknowledge that Democrats desire a SOCIALIST state-run economy and a SOCIALIST, not democratic government where the people have no rights, but the government has all the rights?
Hillary wasn't honest about anything the first time around, and she isn't about to be honest this time either.
I suggest you take your meds if you'd like a discussion.
Andy, what the hell are you even talking about?
What is my argument that has failed?
"...they can't even fill out the forms they need to get free insurance..."
What "free insurance", game?
"The only ones who do not have insurance are kids whose citizenship is "questionable" and kids whose parents are such pathetic losers that they can't even fill out the forms they need to get free insurance."
This argument is dead on arrival. 8.3 million children lack insurance. You are foolish and haven't done a speck of reasearch if you believe illegals constitute the remaining 38.7 million.
Where does that number come from?
It is a made up number,first of all.
Second, many of them are people who are young and chose to not have insurance.
In Wisconsin kids can sign up for a number of programs, free.
Schools have to beg parents to sign up.
Badger Care is one.
"In Wisconsin kids can sign up for a number of programs, free."
Children can, on their own, sign up for free health insurance on their own, at school, without their parents?
What other "entitlements" are these underaged kids permitted to sign up for, at school?
What is "Badger Care"?
Unless this school district has lost state accreditation, why would these young people require health insurance simply to attend a gym class? Or are these extracurricular sports activities?
Game, are you actually a phys ed teacher in this school?
Kaiser Family Foundation.
Yes, Children who have routine health needs such as wellness visits, immunizations, etc. simply elect not to have insurance. As do healthy adults. No one worries about contracting a life threateneing disease or a chronic condition, nor do they wory about a catastrophic incident.
Try doing a little research instead of talking out of your ass.
Yes, you're research is soo vast. You assume that the situation you face in your class aptly describes the uninsured population as a whole. That is quite the moronic assertion.
Check out the Kaiser Family Foundation site or the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities. Right now you sound as dumb as PCD and that's nothing to be proud of.
many of them are people who are young and chose to not have insurance
Here's a clue, game (no charge)...
They "choose" to not have insurance BECAUSE THEY CAN'T AFFORD IT
old hash...Badger Care is available to kids in MPS..they sign up,take the forms to their parents,grandparents,foster parents or guardian....AND with permission and the proper signatures will be covered if breaking an arm in gym class,if pushed down the stairs in the hall,
if beat up outside the school,or,if
shot on the way is in place.Some families will have to pay a small premium..most
will not is definitely
a REAL program health insurance option in Wisconsin...low income-no payments possible.
So andy, because I decided to go to college and have a good job, I have to take more of my money to pay for the people who decided a different path?
Should we buy them a home?
A car?
Where does it end?
"I have to take more of my money to pay for the people who decided a different path?"
If you wouldn't have expenses resulting from fancy SUV vehicles, hobbies, children you apparently cannot support, etc., I wouldn't have to keep shouldering your load by paying for your share of the taxes you rightfully owe for the privilege of working and reaping the rewards of this society.
What I am happiest about is, Bush's insane tax cuts to the wealthy are sure to be cut, and I'm confident I'll have the wherewithal to weather any sort of trickle-down you foolish, greedy little parasites choose to inflict.
I definitely don't think Hillary's plan is the best way to go (single payer is), but it beats the hell out of the Republican-supported insurance-extortion schemes we pay top dollar for at present.
Game, we are able and capable of paying our fair share, but we're getting mightily tired of paying YOURS.
" is definitely
a REAL program health insurance option in Wisconsin...low income-no payments possible..."
Well, that is absolutely ridiculous.
Why should parents absorb the liability for their children in a public school?
We DEFINITELY do not have any thing so idiotic here in our districts.
Are these kids really so privileged that they can waste their parents money for nonsense like phys ed and extracurricular sports, not to mention the hundreds-of-dollars sneakers, gym equipment, fees, etc. to get good at playing GAMES?
The ghetto needs MORE football and baseball players, and less doctors and scientists?
A real discussion needs to happen in this nation's public education system, with our pathetic math and science scores as opposed to other (more successful) countries and our hophead athletic scholarship grads bopping around in their Benzes, and whether or not sports in school would not be better handled off-campus, before ONE goddamned penny goes to fund another sham charter school.
Wow Game. You are great at evading questions and inventing straw man arguments.
Game and Scorpion are right.
Badger care is Wisconsin's Chips(sp) program for working adults with children. There is a sliding scale for premiums and income limitations. Medicaid is for people who are mostly unemployed, on welfare, or single moms. There are income and asset limitations, too.
Walmart is one of the Milwaukee employers who was accused of telling their employees to apply for Badger Care instead of covering them under their plans. Badger care (according to my friend), covers such items as eye glasses and has better coverage. Employees making lower wages prefer Badger Care to the high deductible plans some employers provide. Because other employers like hospitals are telling their workers to use Badger Care, the costs are skyrocketing.
It was originally for workers whose employers did not offer plans and not an alternative to a more expensive plan.
I don't know if illegals are covered because their parents would have to be legally employed and provide a social security number.
So it has nothing to do with the schools, Clinton, Clinton's health plan.
"Badger care is Wisconsin's Chips(sp) program for working adults with children. There is a sliding scale for premiums and income limitations."
Okay, these children are covered, and their parents are paying their premiums. To anyone without a heart made of stone, this would seem to be a good thing.
"Medicaid is for people who are mostly unemployed, on welfare, or single moms. There are income and asset limitations, too."
Well, Medicaid, for all of its problems, serves a previously unmet need and has been in existence for at least four decades.
So THESE kids are, as adults, some of the disabled and elderly, etc, likewise covered, and Hillary's preliminary plan would not cover them fact, their situation will have nothing to with any new health care plan, whether it is Hillary's or not.
Game, so it is working- and middle-class families who receive no public assistance whatsoever, and cannot get coverage, that you hate enough to want to see denied healthcare.
Hash, you say so many stupid things every post I have to ignore most of them...but can you explain how I do not pay my fair share...that comment might be the dumbest comment you have ever made...and that says something
I am now positive that Hash is the dumbest person on the planet.
Here we go again, deleting posts like a whipped little boy...
You may as well delete your history teacher thread since you had no clue what you were talking about.
I don't know what you are other than a dumbass on the internet. Stupid and bigoted is hash, but a bigotry of Jews that runs through the left.
Andy and hash don't pay their fair share. Hash hates the fact that other people can do as THEY will with their money, not being forced to provide hash with the luxuries he covets and hates at the same time.
Andy, just dry up and tax yourself to death.
PCD, take your meds. Jim showed that Game was nothing but a foolish liar with that threat, but I can see how you view that as a badge of honor.
Andy, your tinfoil hat is too tight. You are getting as delusional as hash. You monica lies for a living.
Okay. What was false about Jim's refutation of the earlier thread? Care to refute anything I've said about the strenth of data regarding the 47 million uninsured and Game's false assertions?
You're all talk and no substance. I'm shocked!
I know, I wonder why a whole group of people vote for a party who wishes their homeland didn't exist
Gosh, Game, it sounds like you are saying that the Jews are too stupid to make decisions about who represents their best interests.
If only they would trust those brave wise warriors on the right, who really know what's best for all of us.
There is a question...
Why do the groups of people who tend to vote Democrat do so in huge percentages?
90% of blacks for example...I would tend to believe that any group that voted that heavily either way was brainwashed or not able to think for themselves.
People vote for candidates that they believe will most closely represent their own interests.
Even if you are a selfness, altruistic type who puts the interests of others above their own, that is STILL voting for your interests, because the interests of others have become your primary interests.
If a person understands how government works, in the general election, they vote for the party.
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