The term useful idiot was created by enemies of the United States. It refers to liberals who are used again our country due to their stupidity or, in some cases, an absolute hatred of the United States.
In this case, Iran is able to use the useful idiots at Columbia to state that Iran is loved by many Americans and that he gets a standing ovation while here.
From Iranian Press:
On second day of his entry in New York, and amid standing ovation of the audience that had attended the hall where the Iranian President was to give his lecture as of early hours of the day
He said that the Iranians are a peace loving nation, they hate war, and all types of aggression.
Thank you liberals for being used, once again, as a propaganda tool for our enemies.
We could take just about any statement any prominent Democrat has made in the last 6 years and show how it is used in the Arab world against us, but that would insinuate that Democrats are "un-American" or "un-patriotic"
Our enemies sure seem to agree.
Monday, September 24, 2007
A lesson on being a useful idiot
Posted by
The Game
11:23 PM
Labels: liberal thought, useful idiots
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I didn't see a standing O in the video. They could have thrown rotten tomatoes at him and the Iranian press would have lapped it up anyway.
Correct, he shouldn't have even been there...if he is not there, no propaganda
So I guess you think only people you agree with have the right to speak, now....
Bollinger's intro was a common disgrace to the nation, and it was clear that he had been threatened, and was pandering to a particular demographic....
All in all, an interesting day.
The televised images of the demonstrators and the realization that that particular crowd will NEVER put on an American uniform did more to illustrate the wisdom of my less politically correct views than any amount of preaching ever could.
Blessed is the Lord, America is waking up from the neocon anesthetic....
"Correct, he shouldn't have even been there...if he is not there, no propaganda..."
I cannot imagine one reason why he should not have been. I guess I believe in freedom more than you do...
Iran had nothing to do with 9/11.
There's not one shred of evidence to indicate they've been undermining America's Iraqi Holocaust (in fact, they happen to hate al-Qaeda with a passion...)
It's al-Qaeda we're fighting this week in Iraq, no?
I'll tell you one thing. He seems to be operating in defense of his land and his people, and is willing to travel to a hostile land and engage in debate, while having to endure insults totally out of line with state protocol.
I can't imagine George W. Bush rising to the same challenge without being a TOTAL embarrassment.
We could take just about any statement any prominent Democrat has made in the last 6 years and show how it is used in the Arab world against us
Or we can take everything that George W. Bush has done in the past 6 years and show how it has played EXACTLY into the hands of bin Laden and al Qaeda. They could not have hoped for more.
We have a more unstable middle east, a weaker, thinly spread military, and the animosity of the world. Wow! Nice work, George.
Hash said:
The televised images of the demonstrators and the realization that that particular crowd will NEVER put on an American uniform
So, are you giving the dailykos talking point that says:
"One one is allowed to talk about the military except for people who have been in the military"?
That is interesting, since I have a friend who just got back from Iraq...and he thinks you are a fucking I guess that ends that. He is the only one who has a valid opinion about the war, and he says you don't have a clue, case closed.
He also told me about a anti-war liberal group who had a "speaker" talk from the group "Iraq vets against the war"
The great part is, and this is so liberal, was that the guy NEVER served in Iraq.
Ha ha ha
But it doesn't matter, does it Hash.
As long as it furthers the libearl message, who cares if it is a lie.
Kos, Kos, Kos, blah, blah, blah
"Or we can take everything that George W. Bush has done in the past 6 years and show how it has played EXACTLY into the hands of bin Laden and al Qaeda. They could not have hoped for more."
This is a VERY astute observation, and I thank you for making it. I've been saying for YEARS that Osama bin Laden could not have hoped for a better president than George W. Bush.
In his dreams, he could not have found better.
There are some people who due to ignorance and/or stupidity are a danger to us all, even if their intentions are good.
Bollingers opening remarks:
"It should never be thought that merely to listen to ideas we deplore in any way implies our endorsement of those ideas, or the weakness of our resolve to resist those ideas or our naiveté about the very real dangers inherent in such ideas. It is a critical premise of freedom of speech that we do not honor the dishonorable when we open the public forum to their voices. To hold otherwise would make vigorous debate impossible.
Second, to those who believe that this event never should have happened, that it is inappropriate for the university to conduct such an event, I want to say that I understand your perspective and respect it as reasonable. The scope of free speech and academic freedom should itself always be open to further debate. As one of the more famous quotations about free speech goes, it is "an experiment, as all life is an experiment." I want to say, however, as forcefully as I can, that this is the right thing to do and, indeed, it is required by existing norms of free speech, the American university and Columbia itself.
Third, to those among us who experience hurt and pain as a result of this day, I say on behalf of all of us we are sorry and wish to do what we can to alleviate it.
Fourth, to be clear on another matter -- this event has nothing whatsoever to do with any "rights" of the speaker but only with our rights to listen and speak. We do it for ourselves.
We do it in the great tradition of openness that has defined this nation for many decades now. We need to understand the world we live in, neither neglecting its glories nor shrinking from its threats and dangers. It is consistent with the idea that one should know thine enemies, to have the intellectual and emotional courage to confront the mind of evil and to prepare ourselves to act with the right temperament. In the moment, the arguments for free speech will never seem to match the power of the arguments against, but what we must remember is that this is precisely because free speech asks us to exercise extraordinary self-restraint against the very natural but often counterproductive impulses that lead us to retreat from engagement with ideas we dislike and fear. In this lies the genius of the American idea of free speech."
Hash takes the rope, then thinks he needs more, goes to Home Depot and buys a mile of it.
It's so refreshing to see a liberal show their hatred of the military...way to show your true colors.
And hash, you don't have 10 people in the city of millions that would talk to you without you giving your credit card number first.
Yeah, but I have more than 20 US generals who agree with my view that Iraq is a failure...
My guess is that none of them could be bothered going to your birthday party.
You have a classic example of a useful idiot in Jim.
You have a classic example of an America hater in hash.
In Phil, you have a classic example of a smartass who can't see the forest for the trees.
Jay does make a point, but not completely. Game you finished it off.
Now, where were the "students" storming the stage to prevent "Mr. I'm in a dinnerjacket" from speaking as they did to the Minutemen? Oh, Liberal bias that the useful idiots here claim doesn't exist.
old hash....what would a friend of yours be doing in the military..why
would he ever enlist..this is kind of contradicting your "views"..and it's GAME'S FRIEND back from the war who would only be insulted by a f------ imbecile..which has been pointed out by the RIGHT ON posts much too often lately. Now don't forget to call me a fudgie,swear and be insulting,increase my enjoyment level even more than your
fellow buffoons have allowed with their comedic retorts...........
old hash...the desert seems to be above your neck and between your ears which is fine..old long as your views stay in bizarro
world and never stops allowing people to get a good laugh...c'mon
now..use your only obvious strength
and insult me...hurry up....
"Iraq vets against the war"
While the name is misleading.. the purpose of the group is, "to give a voice to the large number of active duty service people and veterans who are against this war, but are under various pressures to remain silent." It doesnt seem that you have to be an Iraqi vet to help this group out.
Misleading labels? Gosh.. thats a new one.
With "Americans" like game, scorpion, fudgie, and jason, who needs to worry about Iranians?
Answer: No one.
"Compassionate Conservatism"...
"The US doctrine was invented by Dr. Marvin Olasky...."
How shocking!
Another solid post, Game.
Keep speaking Truth to Crazy my man!
Another fashion faux-pas, jason!
Try leave-in conditioner or a good barber to combat that fluffy look, my man!
Rush did a great bit taking sound bytes of Islamofascists and matching them to the same exact statements made by Democrat leaders. Now who still thinks the Islamofascists don't listen to the Defeatocrats, and that the Democrats aren't working hand in hand with AlQaeda?
MORE imaginary "Islamofascists"?
Looks like I whipped your ass too hard, fudgie!
Poor delusional Limpbowel.....
Whipped your a-- fudgie...once again, old hash, how insightful...
fun to laugh at, do take premise of debate to a "different" level,admittedly...
"A lesson on being a useful idiot"
Every time I read this headline, I think about how Game, Jason, Marshall, and especially PCD and scorpion are uniquely positioned to give such a lesson.
Nice try...but,so unrealistic,and
as always,no reality....
Sounds like you're nodding out, scorp.
Better pull the needle out of your arm...
Needle out of my arm...good try,old hash,I only nod off when your comedy crew attempts to agree with each other in bizarro-world...
that's when the RIGHT ON posts look even better..old hash...maybe
take me up on buying you a
has to be better than whatever your on now...
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