Go here to see where you match up

Here is where I stand...which shows how far, far, far left the liberals on this blog are, and how wrong they about my political views and opinions. Based on what I saw on this site, most of you liberals think like Stalin...which makes sense.

Velly intelestink....
lol...what a shocker...who is the looney one?
Hash broke the compass he is charted so far to the left
Hippies :-)
I always knew there was a reason why I liked the Iron Lady
That is where I thought I was...hummm...must be all that liberal crap I hear every day at school.
"Hash broke the compass he is charted so far to the left..."
Yep, I won!
Prepare for the singing of "The Internationale..."
My score: economic 6.62, social 0.21.
It looks like this blog is just a debate between political moderates and the leftwing fringe.
EXACTLY...would like more of the moderates however
Once again you assume what you know absolutely nothing about. My numbers are economic left/right: -1.62 and social libertarian/authoritarian: -4.56.
That puts me about 1.5 to the left of you, which is BARELY left of center and mid-point libertarian.
So put that in your pipe and smoke it!
Looks to me like you should be voting for John Edwards.
Jim, I would say that you have a split personality. some days you come on here and atleast are rational, then other days you sound like a crazy person...however, there are others who ALWAYS sound like they have a mental disorder.
Had computer troubles that interfered with my taking this little poll. It gave me a 2.6 and a 2.1, but I didn't get to the part about what it means. In any case, I had issues with the way questions were asked. The one that sticks out is about the rich having the right to expensive health care. I believe one has the right to spend as he sees fit, but in the context of health care, I wouldn't call it a "right" per se, as one would call freedom of speech. There were several others that had they been asked a bit differently would have impacted my answer, but with the computer troubles, I don't remember what they were. Later, I will retake the test if it allows me the "right".
Oh. And some questions I just didn't get.
To steal from Scorpion, thank you for the comedy. Game and Jason describing themselves as moderates...that's rich!
Marshal raises a good point- many of the questions were dubious and made little sense. In turn, they undermined whatever value this compass has.
-3.00, -3.64
Right there by the Dali Lama and Gandhi.
I was suprised at how close Thatcher was to Hitler...
"Abstract art that doesn't represent anything shouldn't be considered art at all."
There were some really awesome questions in there.
Sorry for having such a good memory....What is interesting to me is that you had something similar to this sometime ago and I actually came out the most centrist(not this time). At that time Jason said being a moderate was a waste because it ment that you stood for nothing. Others readily agreed. Now (no suprise) when it suits your frame at the time it's suddenly good to be a moderate. S Something you guys do often whether you think you do or not.ome would say you have no core but I wouldn't do that...today.
I am proud to be left of center. You can call me a far lefty all you want. I consider it a compliment. By the way Jay, I AM voting for John Edwards. It's gonna be so much fun watching him talk about issues people care about while the PCDs of the world waste their time on stuff that effects nobody's life..like Breck Girl, 400 dollar haircut, or "slip and fall" lawyer. I think it's great that rush and sean and anne are convincing people that is what they should talk about ....chatter on PCD
Oh by the way I came out -6.38 and-4.31. About the center of the green square. I am between Nelson Mandela and the Dalia Lama. I'll take that company any day.
I just think that it's HILARIOUS that Game is to the left of and below Hillary, Edwards, Obama and Biden.
You call them commies all the time, so what does that make you?
I understand that the survey is flawed, but if it is flawed the same for everyone, it can still be valid...And I said I was shocked to be in the middle..
This takes all your beliefs and rolls them into one...it doesn't take into account which ones mean more to you...I think I would move atleast slightly to the Right if it did..
"This takes all your beliefs and rolls them into one"
No it doesnt.. not even close. A 10 min. test does not represent even close to all my beliefs. And to say its flawed for everyone, therefore it is somehow valid? lol..
It is supposed to be a fun little thing to look at...calm down
"It is supposed to be a fun little thing to look at"
Umm.. I get that.. do you?
I've taken this test about once a year for the last four (the colors are a recent addition), and have placed within one square of myself each time, so there is some evidence for validity.
I even gave some thought to creating a wordpress widget so people could could display their relults on their blogs.
Of course the test would be more accurate if there were multiple questions measuring the same concepts, but who wants to take a 45 minute quiz? A third dimension - placement in a cube - would be interesting as well. For example, religion as the third would would really chaff out that social scale for many I'd guess.
By the way, I think I win the bleeding heart award:
ec=-5.25 & soc=-6.10
I would say that one very pertinent flaw in the test that certainly skewed me far to the left were the so-called "social" and religious questions, which really have no business being so heavily weighted on a political self-profile.
To me, this just illustrates how unfortunately this country's politics have been inappropriately focused on such aspects of American life, rather than domestic and foreign policy, finance, future-building at home, etc.
You could actually remove all those questions and arrive at a profile of a person's political leanings that would actually be more reflective of how they vote regularly, and what is more important to the individual voter.
The test was designed by British lefties. Go look at the site again.
"The test was designed by British lefties..."
What would this have to do with anything?
Do you suppose the motivations of Americans are so difficult for foreigners, particularly the Brits, to piece together?
Wall Street is no longer the world's financial capital...London is.
You're a strange person, I'll give you that.
I have the right to be.
And the world is full of "strange" people who wield power and influence.
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