THE award of the Nobel Peace Prize to Al Gore and the UN's top climate panel on Friday has prompted a fresh chorus of criticism from global warming sceptics -- with one dubbing the award "a political gimmick".
I'm not even talking about the fact that his movie was full of lies and half-truths...
What the hell does a movie about global warming have anything to do with the Nobel peace prize?
Yes, I'm sure crazy people who believe global warming will kill us all in 10 years will say that stopping global warming will stop wars that will happen due to no drinking water and famine...
I'm talking to sane people...this is an insult to anyone who actually does work to make peace in the world...
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Critics slam Nobel winner
Posted by
The Game
9:11 PM
Labels: algore, environmentalists, global warming
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So many undeserving have been awarded the prize for peace. That aspect of the Nobel organization is worthless. The other categories seem to have a bit more credibility for what they are for and who gets them IMHO.
It's hardly worth my time to comment on this, but what the hell.
Of course critics of global warming, like you, are going to bash Vice-President Gore. This is a surprise?
However, his critics are in the minority. Those who demonize Gore, like you, do so because deep down inside they know he should have been president the last seven years, and the country would be in a lot better position if he had. You are trying to justify the fact that he isn't by stirring up a deep-seated hatred of the man.
People who understand the ramifications of global warming, especially on some of the poorest nations on earth, understand that there is a likelihood of great violence as rising seas move people from coastlines and whithering crops cause famine. If you don't believe this, ask yourself why the US Department of Defense recognizes this threat as immense and continues to plan for it.
By promoting an understanding of the issue and helping push for solutions which will lesson the chance of chaos and violence, Gore is indeed worthy of the peace prize
How can you issue a credible piece of criticism on a peace award when you fundamentally are opposed to the very idea of peace to begin with?
Informed ones know that Al Gore was vocal about Global Warming even before the movie. This prize recognizes his effort to bring awareness to an important issue we are facing today.
You have every right to denounce the notion of global warming and believe in...whatever you want to believe.
Let scientists decide if it's true or not. This is much bigger issue than party politics.
"...this is insult to anyone who actually does work to make peace in the world..." - Not sure if it's sheer jealousy or stupidity or arrogance.
In any case, it sounded way too silly.
"Informed ones know that Al Gore was vocal about Global Warming even before the movie. This prize recognizes his effort to bring awareness to an important issue we are facing today."
Correct. Gore was into environmental issues, heavily, since the 70s.
But why give credit to someone who is actually qualified for a job at hand?
We will all be RAPTURED ANYWAY (according to a alleged Biblical truth...that is only one hundred years old!)
They'd just as soon sell the research to the Chinese and the Russians (as they did our space program)...
Remember, the neocons teach loyalty to party, and company, over country.
The conservatives' hatred of all "liberals", "leftists", and "socialists" precludes any notion of approval that an American actually won such a prestigious award.
Gore is a "them" to them, they hate him as they hate me, and they would kill him if they could.
Enough of the merits of climate change and its theories. This is all about crucifying the messenger.
I must have missed where a liberal tells me how algore is bringing peace to the earth with global warming movies...or talk about global warming at all...
And Jim, looks like this is the second time you copy and pasted the comment about knowing Gore won 7 years flash, he didn't...not by any standard any paper or ANYONE could come up with...the fact that you honestly believe algore won, based on how the United States determines the President shows you have no clue at all. The phony bull about the Supreme Court doesn't matter, even if you think they did cheat for Bush, every single recount that was done by every single organization gave Bush the win...
Any other false statements you want to throw out there?
Forgetting for a moment that your analysis of the 2000 election is not accurate, whether or not Gore won is not the point. The point is, you KNOW this country would be much, much better off today with Gore having been president than with Bush, so you all hate Gore to make yourselves feel better. There is absolutely no rational reason for hating Gore the way you do.
Furthermore, once again you have failed to comprehend the words that I posted above to clearly explain why the Peace Prize for Gore is absolutely appropriate.
And, I have copied and pasted no comments about Gore for the second time or any other time.
Lastly, it is an extremely simple task to research on the web that Gore did not lose by every single scenario. Any other false statements you want to throw out?
The "NobeL" Piece Pwize is nothing more than a souped up Emmy for best daytime drama.
A fine illustration of the worthlessness of this award and the desperate desire of some to get their dubious message across.
I wonder how many “new” converts will fall for the farce as opposed to the goats who’ve already fallen and are simply looking for validation.
How can you actually believe this country would be better with Gore as prez? An egotistical sycophant as prez?
I hate to break this to ya Skippy, but being Prez involves a lot more than being popular, attempting to look hip, and reinforcing popular but dubious scripted pronouncements. I’m afraid our adversaries would find the “wooden” man soft pine instead of knotted hardwood.
Hash & Jim
There’s been serious questions raised about the global warming assumptions made by Algore & company, until those questions are seriously addressed, thinking people will continue to dismiss the rhetoric.
"Any other false statements you want to throw out there?"
Ooooh, ooooh, ooooh!!
Well, actually, just a question?
Why do you continually type Al Gore's name as "algore"? I could have sworn I have seen this elsewhere. What does this mean?
"There’s been serious questions raised about the global warming assumptions made by Algore & company, until those questions are seriously addressed, thinking people will continue to dismiss the rhetoric."
Another bad speller...or perhaps just another wingnut witticism that is supposed to be intriguing to those of us capable of articulating ourselves?
Oh, yeah. Blamin.
Serious questions have been raised about the assumptions made that the earth is truly not flat as a pancake. Until these questions are answered, thinking people will continue to dismiss that, gravity, Binney and Smith's discontinuation of the color "turquoise" in the 64-crayon box, and Elvis Costello's remake of "Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood" as rhetoric.
HAPPY HINT: If ya would have simply settled for "Carbon offsets are a scam!", or "I don't believe WE caused this mess!", or "Who needs those friggin' polar bears anyways??", you might just have come out looking a lot less like the asshole you have.
But, NOOOO, you had to go for the gusto.
Soo Hashman (by the way, have any of you ever witnessed a true BBQ chief making hash? I promise you it’s not a pretty site!) are you willing to stand behind your idol? Do you think a fakeumentary with so many proven falsities, makes the author deserving of an award just because it’s popular pulp fiction? Just because it makes you drool? Just because you wish everyone else in society is not quite so discerning?
Ya see, ol’e clueless one, ol'e pimple on the ass of society, I don’t have to “settle” for anything, when the original premise from your precious idol is a poster child for how not to craft an argument.
"The "NobeL" Piece Pwize is nothing more than a souped up Emmy for best daytime drama."
What are you smoking? You would have had a very different opinion if the peace award went to George Bush, right??
I don't think you can understand topics such as 'Global Warming'. It needs an open mind and inclincation towards science.
Honestly, you should go back towatching Fox News channel. Last time I checked, they were running a special program on Dick Cheney!!
Nope – A NoBell Piece Pwize for GW would be almost as ridiculous (note – I said “almost”) as giving one to Algore.
Just curious – will this award enable Algore and Yasser to get a discount when they book a hotel room together in Geneva? What if they share towels? What if they book it by the hour? What if Jimmy Carter joins them? Inquiring minds would like to know!!!
Of course, the fact is, Yasser is dead, but being the good lefties that Algore and Jimmy are, I’m sure they’re in touch with their inner “ghost whisperer”. Besides, when did mere facts get in the way when discussing NoBell pwizes?
"What the hell does a movie about global warming have anything to do with the Nobel peace prize?"
We live in strange times.
"I promise you it’s not a pretty site!) are you willing to stand behind your idol?"
See, you're just the latest moron, and here's why?
Do you have any idea where I am on the map, politically?
Where would Al Gore be an idol to me?
What you need to put together in your head (coherently) is, do my political loyalties dictate my scientific beliefs and satisfy my curiousities on the subject, or does my scientific (or lack of it) understanding determine my political leanings?
You have so successfully integrated your complete, all-encompassing hatred for Gore with whatever ability you may have had to reason, to question, to critically think, even to wonder, that you literally are incapable of serious conversation on either, completely independent subjects.
I have seen a very few, very moderate liberal types similarly blinded, but the key difference is they are at least advocating for a positive, proactive solution, and are working to resolve the differences and the challenges.
How do your slash-and-burn, attack animal philosophies, your apocalyptic world views, and your total enslavement to the warlords of disaster capitalism assist society in any way?
When you degenerate to this level of subversion, why WOULDN'T the world demand you be put down?
Think about it. You are totally unhinged over what is, essentially, an extremely moderate, former centrist politician who has simply produced a body of work most consider impressive, that the world has chosen to honor with an award whose worth you scorn anyway.
Is this rational behavior?
""What the hell does a movie about global warming have anything to do with the Nobel peace prize?"
We live in strange times."
You don't see how the flooding of this nation's major cities and coasts could cause a complete civil and national catastrophe?
Oh, that's right. You're from the same crew that thought Katrina was "God's way of cleaning up New Orleans' public housing"!
Jason, you would have no way of understanding stewardship and responsible governance.
The last examples of such leaders in America disappeared right about the time you were born.
As usual, you're hysterical.
"this is an insult to anyone who actually does work to make peace in the world..."
Here's a powerful piece in the WSJ today: Not Nobel Winners-- Some nominees for next year It goes on to discuss Morgan Tsvangirai, Father Nguyen Van Ly, Wajeha al-Huwaider, Saad Eddin Ibrahim, Burmese monks, and other people the left ignores.
Repenting our capitalist sins before the Goracle is literally the left's idea of working for peace, as Jim grotesquely put it above. I would like to believe the always impending Global Warming Apocalypse is crowding out actual efforts today to stop human suffering in left's sick imagination. Given the left's sympathy with dictators and theocrats who want to liberate us from the evil capitalist disorder, this is probably wishful thinking on my part.
“Where would Al Gore be an idol to me?
Huh? I guess to the right of you.
”What you need to put together in your head (coherently) is, …”
Ummm…do you actually read any of your comments after posting?
”You have so successfully integrated your complete, all-encompassing hatred for Gore…”
I don’t hate Gore, he’s good for a chuckle every time I see/hear him. There’s too much BS in this world, not to appreciate a little humor (no matter how unintentional it may be) every now and again.
”…to critically think”
Stop, you’re just trying to be silly now! Algore and critical thought in the same sentence? You’re such a clown!
“I have seen a very few, very moderate liberal types similarly blinded, but the key difference is they are at least advocating for a positive, proactive solution…
Gosh! If they actually considered the consequences to their proposals, I’d love to hear them, because liberals and consequences mix like oil and water.
And finally –
”Do you have any idea where I am on the map, politically?”
I guess if it were illustrated it would look like some kind of weird Rorschach ink blot, a kind of “swirly” conglomerate of Stalinism, pacifism, and socialism.
We don't hate Gore, Rashfanatic. We just like to point out his stupidity and duplicity. Hell, you're even more stupid and we don't hate you.
"See, you're just the latest moron, and here's why?"
So you mock people for typos and misspellings, and then you end a statement with a question mark. So, smart guy, this makes you twice as stupid as anyone you've accused. It's, in fact, sorta Gore-like.
As to the rest of your comments,
(I spelled that right, didn't I?)
Good to hear from you again. It's been awhile.
"“Where would Al Gore be an idol to me?
Huh? I guess to the right of you."
BINGO! So why would I idolize him?
"I might, however, consider VOTING
for him, because, among other reasons, unlike Hillary, he's been consistently anti-war from the start...
"I don’t hate Gore, he’s good for a chuckle every time I see/hear him. There’s too much BS in this world, not to appreciate a little humor (no matter how unintentional it may be) every now and again."
Foolishness from beginning to end.
One can easily hate someone, or hate what they represent, and still derive great enjoyment out of their machinations.
One does not usually, relentlessly, obsess over a relatively benign public figure without a serious hate complex going on.
I do appreciate the humanity and the levity in your comment, however weak.
"Gosh! If they actually considered the consequences to their proposals, I’d love to hear them, because liberals and consequences mix like oil and water."
I know, that's what I keep telling them!
"I guess if it were illustrated it would look like some kind of weird Rorschach ink blot, a kind of “swirly” conglomerate of Stalinism, pacifism, and socialism."
Well, two outta three ain't bad...
"Stop, you’re just trying to be silly now! Algore and critical thought in the same sentence? You’re such a clown!"
It's one of my most loved qualities!
But Gore DOES have the capability to think critically, in his political life and his metamorphosis into environmental scholar, educator, and activist.
The question is will he CHOOSE to, when the chips are down?
"Ummm…do you actually read any of your comments after posting?"
Reading the original questions and comments posted is dismal enough.
Conservatives on this blog...
Anytime you feel down, just come back to THIS thread and look at these liberals who:
Believe the major cities of the earth will be under water unless we do everything algore says...
Believe that algore won the election in 2000...
Go hysterical whenever global warming is brought up...
They don't care about people trying to set off nuclear weapons, they think global warming and the United States are the real enemies to this earth.
I think he actually got the prize for inventing the internet. The Nobel Prize committee forgot to mention it.
Conservatives on this blog...
Game, does anything honest ever come from your keyboard? This is such bullshit, it's hard to keep up with it.
Football, Vice-President Gore NEVER, EVER claimed to have invented the internet. NEVER.
However, he was very instrumental in early funding and support of the internet. He was a visionary then as he is now who saw the value of connecting computers all over the educational and commercial world.
"I think he actually got the prize for inventing the internet. The Nobel Prize committee forgot to mention it."
Hey, ballbag...
If you won't listen to Newt Gingrich when he corrects you on this, who WILL you listen to?
What did Fred Thompson invent, besides senility and public laziness?
Again, I ask:
How can you issue a credible piece of criticism on a peace award when you fundamentally are opposed to the very idea of peace to begin with?
Hash is super-super far left wing crazy can't make this stuff up
"How can you issue a credible piece of criticism on a peace award when you fundamentally are opposed to the very idea of peace to begin with?"
What a stupid statement. Untrue in every way.
You are demonstratibly opposed to peace, here at home, and in other sovereign lands.
You are willing to make war on behalf of other lands, powerful special- interest lobbies, and giant multinational corporate interests.
You are willing to subvert peace in the nations, at any cost, and you are willing to lie, deceive, and propagandize your own countrymen to offer THEIR children up as cannon fodder for your own personal, selfish gain.
If the Nobel Peace Prize is indeed a prize based on the concept of peace in the world, and you do not advocate and are unwilling to act to promote such a lasting peace in the world by your own actions, how then do you believe you are qualified to judge the validity of the choices of the Nobel Peace Prize committee?
You freely admit to rejecting outright at least some of the prior choices of the committee.
What could you possibly use as a reference point? How could you determine any sort of benchmark, with absolutely no real understanding of what the concept of peace means?
This is what I mean about the particular, virulent brand of moral relativism conservatives, particularly religious neoconservatives use to back up their positions, when it is expedient to their needs.
Ultimately, it is as invalid and steeped in fakery as the spectacle of Christopher Hitchens being drunkenly led from his own bestseller's book signing after verbally harrassing a priest.
It's the exact same trick.
He, who has no depth or understanding in a particular subject, rejects the whole concept entirely, yet figures out a way to profit from his "liberation" and his own covert agenda, and then blindly lashes out at he who DOES have a clue.
None of this is rooted in ignorance or guile. It's strictly to undermine the values and principles the majority hold dear, and it is done deliberately and with malice.
I have no explanation why you people walk down a sidewalk on a hot summer day, see a flower growing through the cracks, and have an insatiable need to pull it up by the roots and hurl to the side, for no sane reason whatsoever, but just to destroy for the sake of destruction.
The flower was no threat to the hard, dirty concrete.
You are America's shame.
This blog would be much better off without lying Jim and Che Hashhole.
not to worry, fudgie
you may not be in any condition
to read anything soon enough
Do "peace officers" wear guns? Do they use them to keep the peace? Are they then not "for" peace? Your naive position that engaging in warfare with assholes intent on killing innocents does not support the notion that I am against peace or not supportive of efforts to bring peace. Indeed, I am well aware that such efforts have often included warfare, and it is to your everlasting shame to disregard the necessity now. Is it the only means? Hell no. Is it the only means currently employed by this administration? Hell no, but focussing on it by the likes of people like yourself is a truly transparent strategy for undermining the administration and their efforts. It's far easier to fling insults than to offer real substantive suggestions, and it's easy to see that Bush haters like yourself are more concerned with your hatred for him than you are dealing with the situation. Nice try, though.
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