Sunday, October 14, 2007

Dem's think the world would be a better place if we lost in Iraq

A fox news poll says that 38% of Democrats either think the if the US lost the war the world would be a better place or they "don't know."
Well, its nice to see that only 13% of conservatives think that or "don't know."

As my friend Kevin pointed out:
"We are not supposed to question their patriotism"
"How about their sanity"

HT Kevin Fisher


Jim said...

Just as accurate a headline by the same logic:

GOP's think the world would be a better place if we lost in Iraq.

hashfanatic said...

"A fox news poll says that 38% of Democrats either think the if the US lost the war the world would be a better place or they "don't know.""

I KNOW the world will be a better place if the Republicans lose their war.

America has needed a lesson and it has needed to get it good, for quite some time now.

And, game, you'll be happy that people like you and your wingnut commenters who have helped convince me of this.

The Game said...

Can we get Hash on TV??

Marshal Art said...

I'm sure the Comedy Channel could use him.

No. That's not right. He's really not funny at all. He IS pathetic, however. Is there a Lunatic Channel? He'd be perfect there.

hashfanatic said...

This is a simple fact.

Everything you people continue to support consistently turns out to be rooted in endless failure, and based on lies, corruption, avarice, and greed, and you STILL continue to unabashedly lie about them and support them despite all verifiable evidence to the contrary.

Because of the power your minority positions, powerful lobbies, and giant, multinational corporations that profit from the world's misery wield, all middle-class and working Americans will continue to suffer, as we continue to get what we deserve.

It wasn't ME who woke up one morning and said, let's enrich another "ally's" already preferred status, power, and nuclear capabilities by raping and pillaging the Arab world for them!

It wasn't ME who tried to convince the American people of a "new Pearl Harbor" and balked when they discovered it was all based on lies!

I didn't support rampant, pervasive torture! I didn't stand behind rendition, eminent domain, the suspension of habeus corpus, illegal wiretapping, election fraud, globalization, open borders for cheap labor, foreign domination of our loans, mortgages, debt, industrial wealth, and natural resources!

I didn't hire private contractors to commit war crimes and evade prosecution! I didn't build an embassy in Baghdad the size of the Vatican! I didn't advocate rebuild ing a destroyed city destined to reflood, and use tax money to for the SAME useless Army Corps of Engineers to rebuild the SAME useless levies to 1950 standards! Again!

I didn't gut this nation's diplomatic corps, I didn't aid and abet exposing government agents for political gains and undermining the nation's security! I didn't issue standdown orders when planes were making U-turns in our skies! I didn't advocate handing our ports over to the UAE and our document verification processes to the Saudis!

And I never refused to name the true enemy.

Game, why do you want ME on the televitz when it is YOU and yours who have some "splainin'" to do to the American people?

Scorpion said...

old this a new term to splain whatever it is people from bizarro-world post here at the RIGHT ON blog...I knew a kid in kindergarten who used splainin often...old hash...splain
for me sometime what you do when your not providing the comedy here for us..old hash..only lesson America needs is to avoid viewpoints of old hash...old hash..

PCD said...

Che Hashhole,

You belong on the Traitor's channel. Oh, we have that. It's called the Democrat response to the President.

hashfanatic said...

don't worry, widdle fudgie

your stallion is here for you

The Game said...

hash's comment was so full of left wing blog crap it is impossible to respond.

hashfanatic said...

Of course it was!

Aren't they ALWAYS??

Marshal Art said...

"Of course it was!

Aren't they ALWAYS??"

Most honest comment Hash ever posted.

Marshal Art said...

So what are ya gonna do? Get some plastic surgery? Good luck with that.