Monday, October 15, 2007

Rush Announces eBay Charity Auction of Harry Reid's Letter

I'll post this on here for those of you unable to figure out how to use my links


None said...

He hides the Viagra in his chubby bunny cheeks.

The Game said...

why does parklife show his lack of intelligence here? Your supposed to be the intellectual liberal...yet all you can do is make a joke.
Because you don't know what else to say or do...
Rush, again, makes you look bad.
He generates millions of dollars for charity that is collected from private citizens, people giving cause they want to.
You, on the other hand, expect the govt to do everything. The govt was not created to do what you want it to do...

None said...

"You, on the other hand, expect the govt to do everything."

Ohhh... Reallllyyy...

Finally, somebody to tell me what I think. Half way to becoming a republican.

"Rush, again, makes you look bad."
Do you, honestly think, I care what phony crap comes out of that horny, drugged out lunatics mouth?

"Your supposed to be the intellectual liberal"

lol.. Even I'm not buying that garbage.

hashfanatic said...

"He generates millions of dollars for charity that is collected from private citizens, people giving cause they want to."

And, like Pawn Insanity's bogus "Freedom Concerts", the "children" will see not one penny of the proceeds...

This is a fundraiser for an entirely different (and decidedly older) sort of "victim"...

"Rush, again, makes you look bad."

Limpbowel brought storehouses of Viagra (in anothers' name) and condoms to a resort in the Dominican Republic, a Caribbean island infamous for male prostitution (and, I might add, for those unfamiliar with the rituals of Santeria, male CULT prostitution, of the sort expressly forbidden in the Bible).

There was no "perp walk" upon his return, as there was none after his drug busts. There never would have been.

Game, you have the the temerity to say this degenerate makes PARKLIFE look bad??

Rush makes AMERICA look bad (and it should).

jhbowden said...

I'm glad Rush is standing up to the shameless left wing bullies.

Marshal Art said...

""Your supposed to be the intellectual liberal"

lol.. Even I'm not buying that garbage."

That's good, because it was blatant sarcasm.

"...a Caribbean island infamous for male prostitution (and, I might add, for those unfamiliar with the rituals of Santeria, male CULT prostitution, of the sort expressly forbidden in the Bible)."

Here, ItchyRashfanatic makes baseless suggestions regarding someone's personal life. And again, for the sake of readers who might not be up on the topic, the liar and unfortunately poorly schooled psuedo-Christian refers to the unsubstantiated and desperately hoped for possibility that the Bible only refers to homosex that is not "loving, monogomous, committed relationships". It's sad, but understandable, that those too weak or unwillingly to leave the lifestyle would seek to find some Scriptural loophole that would aleviate their guilt for engaging in behavior forbidden. Hash, obviously, is amongst those misguided Christians perpetuating such myths regarding the Biblical view on homosexuality. Considering his description of Jeff Gannon's thighs, there may be a deeper reason.

hashfanatic said...

Join a Real Church, moishele! :)

The Game said...

Look at the low level of debate and thought the liberals bring to the table.
Nothing to add here...
What should I respond to, the name calling or the made up claim that Sean Hannity steals money from his freedom concert.

hashfanatic said...

It's true, game.

Only one percent of the proceeds was even earmarked for the so-called "kids" fund in the first place.

Look at the roster of neocon candidates that actually appeared at the Jersey concert (Jewliani, Lieberman, etc.) and that should satisfy your curiousity as to whose coffers the remainder of the bounty landed up in.

The term "culture of corruption" was not coined by accident, game.

With Republicans and Democrats alike, we continue to have "pay-to-play" and the same old dirty business of politics and so-called "charities" in cahoots with one another...the difference is that neocon control of the media , powerful Washington lobbies, and a false cloak of patriotism simply enables the right to steal more, and never face the music for it.

Anonymous said...

Good one, Hash!

It's amazing how uninformed and blind those 'millions' who believe in this comedian 'Rush'!!

It's ok if you like his program. Please don't make him bigger than what he really is....He is just a very popular entertainer/comedian talking on the party lines...!! Nothing more, nothing less...

PCD said...

Che Hashhole, Your transgressions demand proof. You have always been a liar for the left, so cough up proof or be tarred and feathered.

None said...

"the Bible only refers to homosex"

A post about Rush.. and a comment about gay sex. Amazingly not completely off topic.

Btw.. hows Larry Craig doin' these days?

hashfanatic said...


If you're referring to the Shamnity shows, Google is your friend.

This is not the first time you've had your nose rubbed in this particular pile...

PCD said...

Che Hashhole again makes a false charge he can't prove and then retreates behind his condesension.

If anyone needs their nose rubbed in things, it is Che Hashhole.

hashfanatic said...

It's not a false charge, fudgie.

Less than 1% of the proceeds from the Shamnity "Freedom Concerts" will go to the "kids".

In chaos, they can steal...

None said...

"Google is your friend."

oh.. that lefty run site.. Every search I do comes back with some lefty propaganda.

Next your going to tell me Blogger is run by a bunch of libs.

The Game said...

hash, provide a factual link...
Lets all get ready to laugh at what hash considers a factual link...

hashfanatic said... it a worthwhile use of my time to expose you to "evil leftist propaganda", or am I better off taking a nice, leisurely jog on such a warm, beautiful day, so UNSEASONABLY warm for this time of year?

Mmmm...let me see...

Ah, you'll find it! If a couple of DUMB, SPECIAL-ED LIBS can....

Besides, I didn't ask you to disprove your own Graeme Frost distortions, did I??

Marshal Art said...

Point out a distortion.

"A post about Rush.. and a comment about gay sex. Amazingly not completely off topic."

Just responding to the mentally deficient comments of your dancing partner, Park.

"Btw.. hows Larry Craig doin' these days?"

Wouldn't know. Don't know the man. Game? PCD? Either of you guys know Larry Craig?

Marshal Art said...

BTW. The price is up to 56K at show's end today.

None said...
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None said...

"Wouldn't know. Don't know the man."

Oh? Really? But I bet all the people you voted for recently in national elections know him quite well. Perhaps call your senator.