At some point liberals, wouldn't you start to question your beliefs when every time someone is brought into the spotlight be Democrats or the liberal media to champion a liberal cause...the person is always a fraud.
From Rush: I had some rudimentary information on this two weeks ago, and it wasn't enough for me to trust going with. But since then, it has been verified, and most of it's been verified by a "Freeper" at Free Republic. Everybody is writing about this now, since the Freeper posted it over the weekend. This 12-year-old kid that the Democrats used in the Saturday radio address to whine and moan and cry to President Bush about the S-CHIP children's health program, it turns out that the family of this kid sends its kids to "one of Baltimore's expensive private schools." This family owns a house in a neighborhood of homes valued in the $400,000 to $500,000 range. This family bought commercial property in 1999 for $160,000.
Here again, Democrats try to sell their points with raw emotion. They try and make some sob case out of a family that has a half a million dollar home and buys $160,000 properties. Hey liberals, are these the "poor" "needy" families that can't afford healthcare? What a joke.
Monday, October 08, 2007
Why do Dems have to lie to make their point
Posted by
The Game
5:30 PM
Labels: liberal lies
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"From Rush" with lies...
Are you going to do any research?
Idk.. just asking...
Yea, right - Republicans don't lie to make their point!! Does anyone remember something called Iraq war???
And Rush talking about lies? Is it the same guy who had too much anal hair to serve in Vietnam?? He is such a role model...
Rush no doubt figured, in his drug-addled daze, that the kid disagreed with his opinions, so he must have been a fake kid.
The Pig Man's radio career is soon to come to a screeching halt, Blessed is the Lord...
I love it...
three liberals,
three emotional responses...
no facts, ha ha ha
How big has the list gotten in JUST 2007 of liberals lying to make their point...
How many fake soldiers have we had?
How many millionaires who don't have health insurrance...
Way to go liberals, you have three pitches and went 0-3...youre out.
Why do Republics have to lie to try to make Dems look bad? There's plenty of stuff out there if you need it.
Stop making stuff up!!!!
And a liberal blog just saying what you typed is not a valid link...PROVE that it is wrong...and you didn't refute the property purchase of $160K...
I think a better question is why idiots like Malkin feel the need to ignore reality in search of validation of their fantasies.
As Jim noted, the family has low enough income that they qualify for SCHIP in Maryland (300% of FPL, which is generous, but for a family of four, about what you and I make, Game, by ourselves). Their kids go to school on need-based scholarships. This is not a wealthy family, and Malkin should be ashamed of herself for stalking them.
What a liar you are, game.
There was no "emotion", except perhaps disgust at your constant complicity....
Limpbowel EDITED HIS OWN TRANSCRIPT and TRIED TO DECEIVE THE WORLD and save his ass with the miltards, and he lost.
You lied and lied and lied repeatedly about this and just swept aside the facts and walked away from your post, just to start the same lying all over again today.
And now this disgraceful nonsense of yours about some are now defaming and slandering underage kids because they express disagreement with Rush, game!
I don't know what makes you think you can convince anyone with an IQ over 40 that anyone can trust a freeper at "verifying" anything (and such is proven by the fact that at least one wingnut freak commenter here is a freeper as well), but you haven't.
In addition, anyone with an ounce of common sense and business experience realizes that posting anyone's personal financials over the internet under any circumstances is actionable...involve the statements of an underaged minor, and you're pushing this idiocy over into the abyss of absurdity.
Rush is a fuckup, a moron, and an utter waste of a man, but he's not THAT stupid.
One final point.
Your resentment of some kid, some AMERICAN kid finally having access to adequate, first-world standards of healthcare, REGARDLESS of income, is completely disgusting, especially since you claim to be an educator, and one would presume that the well-being of kids would be more important to you than most.
It's the same exact inconsistency you display when you carry on about patriotism and the troops, yet YOUR own ass isn't over there fighting.
Part of the crisis in this country and the right-wing enemy within is willful belief of corrupt information, and part of it is simple greed coupled with false morals and arrested levels of maturity and collective development.
Game, when you lash out at the world, it has become patently obvious that you're just flailing blindly at what you despise within yourself.
Here is media verification of the family's income and the parents' professions.
The school's website confirms that they give scholarships to families that earn "up to $160,000." You think they wouldn't give one to a $50,000 family?
And those are the easy ones to find. There may be more about this tomorrow, I suppose, if the media do their jobs on this sickening smear job.
and you didn't refute the property purchase of $160K
Really didn't have to. As I said, this is a non-starter without context. You don't know if they purchased with a 5% down, if it's a partnership with others, if it's business property that is in the red, if the value is less than the mortgage and is about to be foreclosed.
There is no context so the number is absolutely meaningless, Game.
Something doesn't add up...
The newspaper article states their income...which seems low for what they are doing...
They would have to get full rides to school if that is the case...
maybe they do have scholarships...but it doesn't say that anywhere...
But Jay does have something...
But like I said, this just doesn't seem to add up.
Also, you have to consider the cost of living...
You'd probably faint dead on the floor if you realized how much the costs are here, compared to the Midwest or the South.
Anyway, I have serious doubts about these plans but how does it compare to what any conservative offers?
How does what Fred Thompson's plan for the health of America's children offer in comparison?
Nothing, nada, niente, fucking nothing. as usual.
Save the fetus, then drop the baby on its head once it's born. That's the Republican way!
Democrat: Kill the fetus...I'll take the Republican way of not killing it and allowing people to exercise free will...
Here are the facts that the right-wing distorted in order to attack young Graeme:
1) Graeme has a scholarship to a private school. The school costs $15K a year, but the family only pays $500 a year.
2) His sister Gemma attends another private school to help her with the brain injuries that occurred due to her accident. The school costs $23,000 a year, but the state pays the entire cost.
3) They bought their “lavish house” sixteen years ago for $55,000 at a time when the neighborhood was less than safe.
4) Last year, the Frost’s made $45,000 combined. Over the past few years they have made no more than $50,000 combined.
5) The state of Maryland has found them eligible to participate in the CHIP program.
From Think Progress
Look at the liberals shade and distort. Just like when they made a big deal about a retiree having to pick up bottles on the side of the road to buy health care. Only thing they didn't mention is her penison with health care, her life long UNION activism and holding union offices, and the big thing was she drove her gas guzzling motorhome to DC to be at the Clinton speech, State of the Union I believe, at her own expense. You libs can't tell the whole truth.
You also want to admit your DNC goes to the same stooges to trot out to the media for different stories only to have that fact blow up in your faces when it comes out?
Again, the Democrats have to cheat to be competitive. Listen to the lefties howl now.
Again, returns embeded to be able to print the entire url.
The facts are pretty clear in this case. PCD, all you need to do is read realism's post and click on the links in Jay's posts.
I must admit that it is fun to see you throw a hissy fit when the facts don't fit your worldview.
I do not accept your Democrat propaganda and spin as facts. Are you that blind that you can't see that Democrat DO lie, especially the Clintons?
The left is unable to challenge the factual content of what Limbaugh has said.
A working person like myself does NOT need to pay for welfare for the middle class. If your family is making $50,000 a year, sends your kids to private schools, and lives in a house that's worth $500,000, you don't need Jason Bowden to pay your bills.
But then again, the left, almost like religious fundamentalists, arrive at their conclusions first, selects evidence that fits their sob story, and disregards any contrary evidence afterward without examination. Realism's argument is that the public is already giving the family a huge subsidy, so let's have Jason Bowden subsidize more. You can't possibly be serious.
The Baltimore Sun is a wing of the DNC?! PCP, you're simply unwilling to accept them since they contradict your POV. Hence your pathetic cries of spin.
The amazing thing about this is that the phony conservatives dont want kids to have health care. Period. They dont think the childerens are worthy of going to a hospital. This must be the compassionate conservatism that I've heard so much about.
Game has to be the most dishonest person I've come across in some time. He quotes Rush "Viagra" Limbaugh then claims that liberals have "no facts" and are not allowed to support their side with a "liberal blog". I've heard interviews with Rush in which he describes how he presents one side of a story. He makes no apologies for using half his brain. Even after all this.. PCP wont read a newspaper article about the story. Pathetic.
Oh.. one last thing.. reading about the stalking of the Frost family makes me want to vomit.
More compassionate conservatives? You must be proud.
The Baltimore Sun??? Fat Jack Germond and the hacks there have been in the DNC pocket since Jimmy Carter and are still on the Democrat plantation.
Andy, take the blinkers off.
"The left is unable to challenge the factual content of what Limbaugh has said."
There IS no factual content to what Limpbowel has said...only drug-addled, fascist rantings.
I'd also like to mention that I was listening to a segment of another radio program that was critical of Rush's violation of this family's privacy and distortion of their situation this morning, and was shocked (but not really surprised to discover that game's post was lifted almost VERBATIM from Rush's broadcast.
This proves, once again. that neocons and their puppets have absolutely no ability to think critically, possess individual curiosity even regarding the circumstances of families whose situations parallel their own, or relate their perceptions of American life that they receive from neocon radio directives daily, to the reality of American life on the ground, be it at home or on an occupied, besieged foreign battleground.
This is the danger of America's neoconservative enemy from within.
" don't need Jason Bowden to pay your bills..."
Surely, you don't expect us to continue paying YOURS?
"You can't possibly be serious."
Sure, I can! Either you can begin paying your fair share for the unnecessary wars you've created and the catastrophic debt that your drunken-sailor spending on nonsense has saddled us with, or we can perhaps elect someone who will abolish the income tax entirely and try that route...
But your masters' swindle of the American working man is precisely what will NOT continue.
"Democrat: Kill the fetus...I'll take the Republican way of not killing it and allowing people to exercise free will..."
Unfortunately for America, too often you have proven your willingness to save the fetus, just to drop the baby on its head after it is born...
So, then you take your own way for yourself and whoever it is you choose to breed with...just mind your own business about other people choose to do with their bodies...I'm not thrilled about having to pay for your self-inflicted sports injuries through my premiums either, but I do.
"Look at the liberals shade and distort."
Fudgie, you know the score. When you pay back what you have stolen from America, THEN you have the right to bitch and moan about what your betters say and do. Until then...
"Oh.. one last thing.. reading about the stalking of the Frost family makes me want to vomit."
Agreed. But this is the enemy from within that America is up against.
One hopes that the shirt laundress will return to her bulk washing, her Calgon, her Niagara spray starch and her GE top loader, once she is made to understand that she will no longer profit from yellow journalism, and that subversion eventually comes with a price.
"...Jimmy Carter..."
Oh, I remember when America had great presidents with real hearts and minds who knew the score...
Did hash contribute anything to this discussion other than obfuscation and his usual delusions?
Did Malcolm Hoenlein dictate that sentence for you, fudgie?
Facts for you?? haa haa.ha..!! I know you are not kidding! LOL Since you can't understand a very big fact like 'Iraq war', what's the point in debating a radio ad and some numbers with you?
Again, no surprises are doing what you are supposed to do and what you have been doing all along!! ;-)
I don't expect anything better. Keep doing the same!
Jimmy Carter
Anyone who thinks Jimmy Carter was a good president should be put in a field where no one can hear them, because they obviously have a mental disorder...There is sense to reason with someone like that
Jimmy Carter was not one of the great presidents, and his term was not what I would call successful.
However, he was and is a good man, with a good heart, a former naval officer, and outclasses Bush in intelligence and competence many, many times over.
"...was a good president should be put in a field where no one can hear them, because they obviously have a mental disorder..."
Hopefully you and years will find yourselves in a field within a nice, cold gulag, surrounded by barbed wire, for very much the same reasons...
Did you forget that I am not a liberal?
I am not into peace and love....
Carter was too good for you.
"However, he was and is a good man, with a good heart, a former naval officer, and outclasses Bush in intelligence and competence many, many times over."
Yes, he is. and blessed is his name, now and forever, and may the Lord erase the name of his evil successor, born of filth and of accursed womb...
Carter can not do anything unless someone else verifies the blueprints, hands him the hammer and nails. Notice no one trusts him with anything else on a job site?
Che Hashhole,
May you be erased from history with extreme prejudice.
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