Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Democrats are 0 for 40 on stopping the war in Iraq

The American people clearly put Dems in charge for one reason and one reason only, to show their displeasure for the Iraq war.
And the Dems have done NOTHING about it...
Keep being fooled American...you will never learn, will you.


Anonymous said...

"...In charge for one reason and one reason only..." - Not entirely true. Republican base was completely pissed off with their leadership. Independent were disgusted by moral bankruptcy of republican party. Yes, Iraq sealed the deal.

"And the Dems have done NOTHING about it..." - Not an accurate/true statement.

However, I agree that Democrats can do much more.

Can they really stop war? I'm not sure if thy can do it without help from some republicans.

Andy said...

Exactly. Corruption was an issue as well as the war. Mark Foley anyone?

The Democrats have done a lot in the eyes of those who understand how the House and Senate work. Their majorities simply aren't large enough to pass legislation without GOP support.

Whether activists understand this dynamic is another cup of tea.

The Game said...

What have they done again???

Marshal Art said...

Good answer, american. Not.

Politicians can't stop the war. You need troops for that. Now I hear that the Dems are saying they will no longer fund the war without a timetable. Jerks. There's no such thing as timetables in seeking to win a war. You fight it until you win or lose. Defunding will only hurt the troops. Pull outs will not stop the war, only alter it's appearance, and likely bring it closer to home. God help us should Dems win the White House and retain both House and Senate.