Thursday, November 29, 2007

Digging out more CNN/YouTube plants:

Concerned Young Undecided Person “Journey” = John Edwards supporter “Journey”

Concerned Undecided Mom LeeAnn Anderson = Activist for the John Edwards-endorsing United Steelworkers union LeeAnn Anderson
Concerned Undecided Gay Military Retiree Brig. Gen. Keith H. Kerr = Hillary/Kerry supporter and anti-”Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” activist Keith H. Kerr

Concerned Undecided Log Cabin Republican supporter David Cercone = Obama supporter David Cercone

So it was liberals bringing up all the non-issues and stupid crap that had to be talked about at the debate last night. Man, those liberals are very insecure about their chances of winning I guess. Why is it only liberals that fall so low on the morality scale? Why doesn't t his happen on the other side?

You know what, if they are willing to stoop to these tactics for a debate, who is it so hard to accept the truck load after truck load of evidence that they steal about 2% of the vote in an election?
This also shows how real Americans, the average American doesn't care about the stupid crap these far-left wing activists care about since no one else brought up this stuff. Man, these people will do ANYTHING to get their side elected.
I'm sure they don't give cigs to homeless people to vote
or slash GOP van tired the night before an election
or pick up people in buses to take them to the polls to vote for people who haven't voted
or walk people to city hall with absentee ballots and then have them also vote on election day
or vote in two states


Anonymous said...

they can't stand up to democrats' questions but you expect them to stand up to al Qaeda?

CNN should have vetted these clips, but the fact that they didn't means they're lazy, not that they are biased.

Anonymous said...

truckloads of what evidence?

PCD said...

Just goes to prove that Democrats aren't honest and that the Clinton News Network is biased to Hell.

The Democrats can't lie and spin their way out of this.

The Game said...

Didn't say they couldn't stand up to them, showing how dishonest and low they will go to win...

The evidence is stacked higher than your BS...
The list in Milwaukee alone is long:
Slashing GOP van's tires
Paying homeless people cigs to vote for Gore
Picking people up on busses and having them vote for people who did not show up at the polls
Signing up people on absentee ballots with addresses that do not even exists.
That is a partial list of the last 8 years....and that is just part of what is KNOWN

Ron said...

How about the TOTALLY PHONY FEMA news conference after the California fires. How about the phony questioner that asked Condi planted to ask her about running for President to stop talk about her responsibility about the war. How about the outright lies Karl Rove told saying the Dems pushed the pres into war? How about Jeff Gannon the gay phony reporter asking softball questions in the white house press corp?

I don't think tit for tat is real debate but this is a non issue except for people that have nothing else to talk about or maybe don't want to talk about the real issues because they know the majority of the country opposes their opinion. You have lost all substance on this blog. It's childish in my eyes. I'm suprized(but less so all the time) that you think these are the issues that are of great import to America and the lives of American people.

I already know your answers. All that stuff I said was the "liberal media" and dishonest and blah blah blah. Game you are getting nearly as sick as the myopic PCD.

Anonymous said...

that's funny because I just saw a former member of the bush justice department say that the doj spent 4 years investigating such voter fraud charges and found only 24 cases that could be prosecuted. massive, massive voter fraud that.

On the other hand they found instances of voter suppression in missouri, florida, ohio and georgia in which hundreds of thousands of people were disenfranchised by republican dirty tricks. go figure.

and you should buy that frickin van a new set of tires already.

Anonymous said...

Good points Ron...I too have noticed (over and over again) that this blogger is so keen on posting 'any' questionable acts from Dem side. But he ignores any such acts from Republican side. It must be his blind loyalty towards his party more than ideology!

I've called out his double standards many times before. Hey - after all, it's blog. He can do whatever he want!!

The Game said...

What should I report on "american"
The made up stories of "republicans beating up old people as they try to come to the polls"
or elaborate schemes that never have any proof..
or the stories I report on, with evidence from our own newspaper?

Anonymous said...

Well, you will get it when you are honest and ready to take a unbiased look at the stories.

Anonymous said...

"The made up stories of "republicans beating up old people as they try to come to the polls""

you made that up, not dems.

there is much proof of voter suppression. even republicans from the bush doj have reported it.

The Game said...

well, list them...when you get to around 10 then you'll have as many instances of Republican vote fraud as I have linked to from the city of Milwaukee alone.

Scorpion said...

I was asked outside my voting place
as I was walking towards the building to cast my vote for president who I was going to vote for by a young,well dressed man who obviously wanted to persuade my
vote choice by his tone of voice. As I felt it was none of his business,I said I was undecided,and
would choose after some more thought in the voting area.He than
asked what I MIGHT NEED to make me
vote for Kerry with my vote.I said I didn't need anything that badly to "buy" my vote. He moved on to the next person walking his way.I
should have asked what he was offering,but I was insulted, and did not.I reported him in the polling place to voting officials,but when we looked outside to point him out,he had moved on.Old Hash would call me a liar again,I'm sure,but I'll share this anyway,because it certainly was going on in Milwaukee,and not just in inner city areas.By the way,no one asked me what I NEEDED to vote for any other candidate.