Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

I know that offends those of you who are of the persuasion that America is an evil land, that we stole the land from Native Americans. So for you, take a few anti-depressant pills and try to forget we wage illegal wars, we are all racists, our corporations rape and steal from the common man and that we are hated by everyone.

For the rest of you, be thankful that you live in the greatest country in the history of this planet!!!
Our way of life is envied throughout the world. Anyone can be anything they want, everyone is free to choose their path.
Make sure we fight to keep this country great, keep doing the things that made us what we are. Enjoy your friends and family this weekend.
And if you have a depressing liberal in your group, make them sit at the kids table.


The Game said...

not sure what the first part meant, but you are right about the second part...
I just had two turkey legs, apple pie, gravy over everything...stayed away from the tofu burger

Scorpion said...


blamin said...

Yes, I’m very thankful!

I’m thankful than I live in a country that allows this discussion!

Yes, I realize that we of European decent did the exact same thing to the”indians” that they did to each other.

Does that excuse, no, that simply explains, and I challenge anyone to factually show otherwise.

Look what we’ve accomplished! And we’ve accomplished this with our own hard work, not off the backs of any other group, but by our own sweat and tears.

PCD said...

We did an "Iron Chef" competition after the Packer game and I did Cajun Green Bean Casserole.

American, No you have it all wrong. Palestinians never had title to the land. It was TRANSJORDAN when the UN partioned it. Get it straight.

Anonymous said...

@ Blamin: "Yes, I realize that we of European decent did the exact same thing to the”indians” that they did to each other". Same logic can be applied to colonialism as well. I wonder..if we fast forward 100 years from now...there would be hispanic person saying samething about America and whites. Bad Karma? You bet!

@ PCD: Neither Jewish people had the title! It was bunch of european nations issuing titles on their own and drawming boundaries!! Get it straight!

PCD said...


EVERY Religion in the world recognizes that the JEWS did own Israel and that they got run off their land. Only boobs like you who hate Jews refuse to accept that.

Anonymous said...

Why do you use this arguement selectively? Did you know that Native Americans lived here before european arrived? Did you know that africans lived in Zimbabwe (rhodesia) before europeans arrived and grabbed their land?
Based on your theory, they all should be able to re-occupy the land throwing europeans out, right? (Unfortunately, it's happening in Zimbabwe which I don't support).

No - I don't hate jews. It's another fabricated thing made up by a partisan hack like you. (Attacking is much easier than debating, right?)

As to your comment on 'boobs'...your mother should be really proud of you!!