Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Hillary plants question in Republican debate

It turns out that Keith Kerr, retired Colonel., U.S. Army; retired Brigadier General, California National Reserve, who submitted a YouTube question about gays in the military, is actually a member of Hillary Clinton's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transexual Americans For Hillary Steering Committee. He's also part of a film production crew trying overturn the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy.

Why do conseratives seem "obsessed" with the Clintons? Because they really, honestly and truly are doing slimy and crocked things all the time.
It should not be your strategy to do so many questionable things that you make the other side look bad by having to constantly bring up your immoral behavior.
Ya, ya...I know...everyone does it.
Which Republican planted people at the liberal debate...oh ya, that was Hillary too...
What a piece of crap...
She's immoral like Bill, but without the skill to lie and get away with it...


Anonymous said...

On the other hand, the first 10 mins were hilarious when the top candidates were going at each other on Immigration issue. How fake!! If they are the leading republican candidates...I wonder where the conservatives are heading a long term!!

Anonymous said...

By the way, how do you know that it was "planted" by Hillary??

WOW, what a smear post by a partisan hack!!

Everybody has the right to ask questions. I don't care if Republicans ask questions to Dem candidates. Because...we will have only one President and we need to know what they believe in.

Scorpion said...

I would imagine people are really
in to the horrid one and Bozo Bill
because every one likes to be amused and of course, we all like

The Game said...

Just think about the media frenzy that would be happening today if a Republican had someone ask a question at a Democratic debate. The media bias rings loud and true does the lack of accountability and ability to criticize any liberals as American is showing right now.

Anonymous said...

I wrote "I don't care if Republicans ask questions to Dem candidates."

So...No - I won't criticize republicans if they did. It would be an 'issue' only for partisan hacks!

Ron said...

Just think about the media frenzy that would be happening today if a Republican had someone ask a question at a Democratic debate.

See game this is the whole point. No, liberals wouldn't mind. A valid question is a valid question even if it comes from a purple chinaman. Why not just answer the question and quit whining. That is all you guys can do is whine. It gets really tiring. So does the looking under every rock to find an evil liberal plot. Like the liberals are responsible for the football players' death as you put in another post. What happened to personal responsiblility and how could you even proffer such nonsense. You talk out of both sides of your mouth. What ever wild scenario you can find to find someone else(always liberal) at fault. I told a few people about your football player post and even the conservatives laughed. Posts like this one and the football player one are the reason many are considering you guys a cult. Do you understand that? Do you see why people say that? Honest game, I'm not trying to be snarky here and I don't care if it is even posted. I just want you to read it. Please examine your liberal derangement syndrome. Some of us really are good people that love America, as in the people in it and the constitution. We can't go forward if we assume that the other side is always the enemy instead of the loyal opposition. You do want us to go forward as a country don't you?

The Game said...

no no don't get away with this...
It was not HONEST...they pretended to be independants...THEY WERE NOT...
Why do Dems have to make up stories, make up events and fictional people to get the American people to think that everyone thinks like them?
They have to create fake soldiers, they have to create fake independants...
Your immorality is blinding

Anonymous said...

because one person fakes his identity as a soldier, you say that any soldier who speaks against the bush cult is fake.

keep it up. everyone knows it's bullshit.

and i've never seen bush-hating as you call it that could hold a candle of your hillary-hating. dems hate bush "policies". you hate hillary.

The Game said...

Atleast I understand why you don't want anyone to know the name of the person saying this stupid crap...
I am bringing up a specific time, AGAIN, where Hillary or any other Dem is trying to decive the public. These are flat out lies.

And typing this:
because one person fakes his identity as a soldier, you say that any soldier who speaks against the bush cult is fake.

either shows you are an emotional fool who can not reason or unable to think.
There have been multiple Dems who pretended to be Iraq one at any time on any blog or radio show ever said a soldier who speaks out against the war is WANT that to be the reality so you just SAY it...that is what liberals have to do...they have to make up stories and present them as fact.

Ron said...

Ok you dont want us to go forward as a country. Fine, at least I know now. I made my point and politely stand by it.

Realism said...

So, game, I suppose you are just as much against the Republican version of this tactic, the "Town Hall" meetings stuffed with only loyal republicans, but presented to the media as a random group of people...

Or, how about the fake news propaganda reports paid for by the Bush admin,

or the fake FEMA news conference, or the republiecan loyalist/fake reporter/gay prostitute that tossed the press secretary softball questions when things got too tough?

Your hypocrisy is disgusting. Maybe if your weak ass candidates actually had answers for problems that America cares about aside from keeping brown people out and torturing brown people, the questions from democrats wouldn't be so hard to answer...

"Just think about the media frenzy that would be happening today if a Republican had someone ask a question at a Democratic debate."

They don't have time to visit the Dem debates... They are too busy getting their pals in the media to spread disgusting false rumors about our candidates, which end up printed on the front page of WaPo