Monday, November 26, 2007

New poll shows Clinton trails top 2008 Republicans

You guys love to quote polls so much, here ya go.
Like I said before, she is possibly the ONLY Democrat that can lose in 2008, so I'm sure you morons will pick her.
Well, if you do pick her MAYBE we can get away from:
a planned liberal defeat in Iraq
a communist style health care system
tax the successful to pay off the poor for voting for Dems
Run out of money from the less and less who pay taxes


blamin said...

The polls are nothing more than a game that all the players play. Some see an advantage in being the slight underdog, and will time their “public pronouncements” such that they will be the slight u-dog on election day. Some sense victory in leading the polls, and will time their pub-ments in an effort to maintain that supposed lead at election time.

It’s clear to me that this country is polarized. The vast majority know who they will (or will not) vote for on Election Day. What everyone is shooting for is the few percentage points of voters – the uninformed – the fence post (or sore-ass) sitters that haven’t made up their mind.

Watch for ambiguous statements that tend to mislead people into believing a certain candidate feels, well, ambiguously about those issues which the uniformed have yet to make up their mind on. The candidate that does that the best very well may win the election.

Me, I’ll vote for the person that stands by their convictions, that most closely relates to mine, no matter the unpopularity of said convictions.

Jay Bullock said...

Hm, Zogby?

Well, according to the commenters at my site, Zogby's a big whiny lib (which is actually th opposite of true--Rush Limbaugh called him "my favorite pollster"). And it's Zogby's online survey. Come on!

Give me a real survey, a reputable poll, not Zogby's online BS.

(And admit it, if Zogby's online poll showed Republicans losing, you'd complain too. I don't blame you.)

The Game said...

I am just using this poll to show that the libs have taken to much stock in polls. Hillary is up, she's down, Obama is up and down. It doesn't matter right now...but this shows that Hillary might not be the best candidate to win a general election.
I think Edwards would have the best chance...he seems like the kind of slime-ball Bill was.
And Blamin is right...politicians are only worried about the 20 or so percent who are "independant"
or more correctly described "have no value system."

Scorpion said...

Imagine that....of course,the next poll will refute the latest poll.

PCD said...

Polls are manufactured news, unless they are the poll on the first Tuesday of November.

Democrats are masters at manipulating polls.

Anonymous said...

and then there is the Gallup Poll which tells another story

PCD said...

Hey, Anonymous, IF Hillary is so leading, why is it that she must plant people in audiences? That is the act of a desperate candidate.