Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Redskins' Taylor Dies Day After Shooting

This seems to be another case of someone coming from a terrible environment, making it big, getting paid millions, and bringing the terrible environment with him.
This is exactly why more and more hand-outs, more and more programs, more and more money leaving my check and going to others will not work.
When you live in a terrible environment from day one, and know nothing else, no amount of money will help.
A fundamental change of that environment must take place.
The only way to do that...the people living there have to admit things are the way they are, take responsibility for what is going on, and the leaders have to teach and preach the proper way to act.


The Game said...

Andy, what do you know about their environment?
Do you work in the inner city?

The Game said...

So lets hear your solution...
I'm not posting hate filled comments anymore...my readers don't want to hear it, I dont' want to hear it...things are so much better this way...if you don't like it find somewhere else to spew your hate and frustration with life.

The Game said...

Right now Andy is making comments not worthy of this blog. If he can tell me how to change the terrible conditions, attitudes and behaviors that plague the inner city, or if he can show how 50 years of liberal social programs have not created the "learned helplessness" there, I'll post it.

Scorpion said...

YES..Getting a big contract and getting out is no guarantee that it won't follow you.Some of our inner city pro athletes get out, but wind up in trouble in a variety of ways anyway.I think of a couple I worked games for over the years in Latrell Sprewell and
Brent Moss.It is RIGHT ON the "money" to say that this is reality no matter how large your income.

PCD said...

My Condolences to Taylor's fiance and 18 month old daughter.

I will point a finger at the pandering Democrats who enable this destructive culture to buy a few votes and vocal support for their march to Socialism.

It is time to lock up permanently the shooters and violent elements of the hood. All entitlements should be re-engineered to reward work, not sloth or having babies you can't support.

Andy said...

My 1st post explained that you may be jumping the gun without the benefit of full information. Those closest to him say that Taylor changed his behavior and outlook.

Things aren't as simple as ideology. I apoogize if being proven wrong is so painful.

The Game said...

It is possible he had nothing to do with what has happened...it still would not change the point I am making.
Shall I put a story about Vick up here?
or Sprewell?
or Pac-man Jones?
I don't point this out cause I like it or want it to continue.
Last year I saw two of the top 10 basketball players in the state of Wisconsin piss away full rides to college because they could or would not do the little bit it took to get into college. So neither of them are even in college this year.

Realism said...

A middle class black person has a 64% chance of earning less than their parents, double the rate of whites.

White men with criminal records can get low-wage jobs more easily than black men who have never been incarcerated

People wiht Anglo-sounding names were 50 percent more likely to be invited for an interview than were those with black-sounding names.

The Game said...

Those don't seem like solutions...
more like complaining and excuses...
There is no doubt a black kid born in the inner city has to work harder to get ahead than a white kid in the burbs, no question.
Okay, so now what?
Bitch and complain, look for a free walk in a mediocre life?
Is that the answer?
I don't think so...I've explained what I think needs to happen...
Liberals have yet to give any answer but complaining, race card, and more and more handouts...