Sunday, November 11, 2007

State shoppers must pay more

Wisconsin residents can't win.
We have some of the highest taxes in the United States...
Besides that, our govt makes laws making our products cost more too...


PCD said...

I saw this article in the Sunday Urinal-Sentient.

What good is it to force Wal-mart to charge higher prices in WI than IL, MI, MN, and IA?

I'd like to hear Jay's partyline stupidity on this.

PCD said...

As usual, when the libs get nailed to the wall, they just slink away.

Andy said...

It's a 68-year-old law. Gov. Doyle expressed interest in doing away with it.

How exactly is this a lib v. con issue?

The Game said...

Dems control 2/3 of the WI govt...why don't they get rid of it then...and this story only magnifies the tax hell we are under in WI

Andy said...

Why didn't Gov. Thompson use his popularity to urge the legislature to change/overturn the law during his long tenure as governor?