Tuesday, December 25, 2007

8 out of 10 identify themselves as Christian

So doesn't it seem wrong that the 2 or less out of ten get to decide when it is and isn't okay to bring up Christmas themes?


Display Name said...

Of course it's wrong. Whenever there's a majority, they get to vote to cancel out any of the items in the Bill of Rights. It's not like we shouldn't be using the power of government to promote religion. And by "religion" of course I mean Christianity. And by "Christianity" I mean Biblical literalism.

Anonymous said...

i don't see anywhere where the 2 or less out of 10 decide when it's ok to bring up christmas themes.

what are you talking about? oh, yeah. is this mythological "war on christmas?" i live in the heart of liberalism and there are christmas trees all over the place and everybody is saying merry christmas in the stores and on the street corners. i even went to christmas eve service at church last night. and you know what? i didn't have to fight anybody to get inside the church.

did you?

Mark said...

Many people who say they are Christian aren't. So the data is skewed.

Anyway, Merry Christmas, Game!

The Game said...

What do you have at your city hall?
A. A christmas tree
B. A holiday tree
C. Nothing

Anonymous said...

i don't know what's at city hall. i don't go to city hall to celebrate christmas. do you? why would anyone celebrate christmas at city hall?

blamin said...

Why Game - don't ya know that if city hall exhibited a nativity scene it would be akin to "shoving Christianity" down throats?

History matters not. Majority matters not. It's all about potentialy offending a Wiccan.

Shame on you!

Anonymous said...

no, it's all about the constitution.

The Game said...

Just TODAY someone used the Green Bay city council for having a nativity in city hall...so liberals, keep your heads up your asses and pretend your thought process and PC thinking don't take away the rights of the vast majority...that has to be the only way you can live with yourselves.

Anonymous said...

"take away the rights of the vast majority". the "vast majority" doesn't have a right to have a nativity scene at city hall.

didn't you have to pass a constitution test to get through 8th grade? in california you do. don't you know about the bill of rights? or do you think it consists of only the 2nd amendment?

if you want a nativity scene, put it in front of your church or in front of your house. we have one at our church. why would you put one in city hall? city hall is a government building, not a religious building.

Ron said...

Gee Game couldn't you at least find some people giving packs of cigarettes to perfume counter girls to say Happy Holidays? Maybe some evil liberals who cut the tires on a van load of Christmas shoppers? The idea that the 80% majority is getting ignored in a culture that is hewn with Christian influence is ludicrous. Least I forget whith those I speak. This is a ploy to make Bill Oriely feel like a hero. Of course it also one more prime example that even when the right is in the majority the act like a victimized minority.
I still want to know if you celebrate Christmas at City hall? Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to one and all.

Anonymous said...

There is Christmas Tree in Daley Plaza here in the People's Republic of Chicago.

Realism said...

I think it's awesome when right wingers laugh at liberals for being concerned with their loss of civil liberties under the Bush administration, and say things like 'What civil liberties have you lost?', while at the same time, wailing to the heavens that their religious rights are being trampled and destroyed just because some people don't want the government funding religious exhibitions.

Hypocrisy, thy name is wingnut.

The Game said...

Our founding fathers would be ashamed of people like you...

Anonymous said...

no, they would say, "Yep, that's what we meant."

The Game said...

Again, I understand why you don't want anyone to know who you are saying such stupid crap.
Why is religion all over our govt buildings, in all our original documents?
Because if you read the complete works of Thomas Jefferson you would understand that our founding fathers wanted freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion.

Anonymous said...

you are free to have all the religion you want. go to church. anybody keeping you from going to church, game? anybody keeping you from saying grace at dinner at home or even in a restaurant? anybody keeping you from saying a silent prayer before you begin a class? anybody keeping you from having a plastic jesus up upon the dashboard of your car?

what are all these government buildings with all this religion on it? and if it IS there, then what's your problem?

and what are "all our original" documents you're talking about? other than "endowed by their creator" in the declaration of independence, where is the religion in "all our original documents"?