Sunday, December 30, 2007

Droopy pants at mall leads to family jailed

I don't want to comment on this until you do...
What will be the difference between the liberal and conservative response...
Please comment everyone, the experiment will not work if you don't comment


Anonymous said...

what a waste of everybody's time!

however, the mall is within its right to have a dress code. that said, would a young white women's butt-crack been banned?

once the youth had been banned, the family had the right to sue the mall. take it to court and let the judge decide if the mall was ok to do what it did. i think the judge would have found for the mall.

the family should have boycotted the mall. if you don't like the way the mall treats you, don't go. the mall is there to make money. if you don't like the mall, don't give them what they're in business for.

above all, when asked to leave, leave, especially when you have already been notified that you are not allowed to be there. take it to court. don't try to stage some impromptu "sit-in" race riot.

ok, is this liberal or conservative?

blamin said...

An example should be made of these violent mall-contents!

Anonymous said...

good one, blamin'!

Marshal Art said...

Don't prejudice me, dude!

Frankly, if it was a male mall worker viewing a fine white/black/yellow ass crack, nothing would be done. Color means nothing when the woman's a babe. But a female worker would likely respond according to the rules. However, if it was me who had to make the call on a fine young woman, I would insist she leave while never taking my eyes off the exposed area. I'd even admonish her the whole time for her immodest and provocative attire.