Thursday, December 06, 2007

Reality of an inner city teacher

I just tried to call 8 students homes.
I used the numbers on file.
Out of the 8:
3 were disconnected
2 were the wrong number
and 3 were legit.


Anonymous said...

It's also called poverty.

The Game said...

A personal lesson for "American"
Since most of these kids parents don't give a crap, it is important to make an extra effort to talk to any adult at home that might give a kid a slight chance of becoming a good student. This job, already hard do to the large percentage of students who have such poor reading, writing and study skills, is made even harder when there is no way to contact anyone.

Anonymous said...

You shouldn't be trying to contact your students by telephone after school hours in the first place.

Scorpion said...

Three out of eight.....not bad GAME.....I used to get one or two out of ten...and of course,it would be someone speaking in Spanish............

PCD said...


This could be a separte post, but here is part of your inner city teaching problem:

Teacher union goons trying indoctrination over actual teaching and trying to get the WI legislature to go along with it.