Sunday, December 23, 2007

The “Shut up, white boy!” woman is the “slum” dweller with a 60-inch TV

Mixed in with the rent-a-rioters who stormed the New Orleans City Council meeting over public housing were a few homegrown thugs who refuse to be weaned from the public teat without a finger-pointing, racial epithet-hurling fight.
Case in point: That angry lady in the BDS shirt shouting “I will not be treated like a slave!” and “Back up and Shut up! Shut up, white boy! Shut up, white boy!” at a citizen attending the council hearing. Watch closely and note that there is a child behind her being subjected to her diatribe against the man. She’s your tax dollars at work:
Go to link to watch video
Nice propaganda job by the photo caption writer, who whitewashed the angry racist rant. They were just, you know, “talking to” a man…at the top of their lungs:

This is a GREAT case-in-point of what failed liberal social programs have done to the black community. Everything should be given to them for free, they are entitled to anything they want, the white man is to blame and they can be as racist as they want to be.
Just turn things around for a minute. When a white person even looks at a black person the wrong way there are press conferences looking for that person to be fired from their job. But I guess in this country we now simply tolerate this behavior. It's fine that the govt takes my money to give to this piece of crap so she can have a 60 inch TV. I don't have a 60 inch TV, but then again, I was not raised in the world of free-hand-out liberalism. These people should be ashamed of themselves, but thanks to race-baiting "understanding" liberals and race-card carrying members, they have no clue.


Anonymous said...

So..what? Are you going to write on some trailor trash chatacters in your next post? Or...some trash from south who slept with his step-daughter?? Gee!!

As I wrote sometime back, this is a cultural issue. African americans have a serious issue facing their community. And, they need to wake up. I understand they have some baggage from the past (think slavery and seggregation). I know it's not easy. But they need to do it.

I know and grew up in very liberal white communities - they don't act this way. It has nothing to do with liberalism. It's the cultural issue - the culture at home!

The Game said...

Welfare, free housing and the Jackson/Sharpton race card speeches are directly related to the inner city problem. You must see that all my tags are "inner city behavior"
Obviously people that can get out of that situation have a much better chance to not act like that...
They don't act that way BECAUSE they are black, blacks just happen to be a vast majority of the people in the ghetto.
If the culture of free, free and no responsiblity did not, at least partially, come from liberalism and failed social programs, where did it come from?

PCD said...


brain dead libs like "american" can't see reality for the forest of their liberal delusions. He can't see that this woman is as totally out of bounds as the welfare queen who screamed at Dukakis that she had 9 children by 8 different fathers all on welfare, and it was Dukakis' job to feed, clothe, educate, and entertain her brood without any responsibility by the welfare queen or her brood required.