Monday, January 21, 2008

Bill Clinton Caught Nodding Off During Service to Honor MLK

video of Clinton sleeping at MLK event
For some reason I just don't feel sorry for him...
Have you ever seen a more embarrassing ex-President?
maybe next week he can talk about how terrible it was the the slaves were freed.
Bill, do what every other President with class and respect for the office has done after they are done serving.....SHUT UP AND GO AWAY.
(Don't follow Carters lead either)
Why is it that it is only the last two Democratic Presidents that have to talk smack about our country and get involved in other elections? Sorry you didn't do enough while you were President, but now it is time to shut up.


Anonymous said...

bill clinton got eighty percent of the black vote

i cannot imagine barack obama will get anywhere near that as well

so, get used to seeing bill, everywhere, and often

Scorpion said...

Bozo Bill is most effective when he is nodding off.........

Marshal Art said...

He should have sent the hooker home earlier the night before.

Anonymous said...

and you have the nerve to call critics of the current administration "bush haters."

Anonymous said...

it wasn't the hooker's fault, she was running late because she couldn't wake fred up earlier