Democrats, LIKE LENA TAYLOR, have proposed a bill that will raise taxes on video games so that they can raise the age that a prosecutor can charge someone as an adult to 18.
You see, it costs lots of money to "rehabilitate" and take care of juveniles who commit crimes.
So Dems want to raise your taxes, create a 24 million dollar a year tax burden in the city of Milwaukee so gang members and anyone else who wants to commit a crime can get away with it for another year.
Another point, do you want to vote for someone who is running for County Exec., who is already trying to raise your taxes before she even gets into office?
And what does she want to raise your taxes for?
So that gangs can use their young recruits one more year.
This is a great example of how liberalism IS the cause of our problems in poor areas.
This shows how their naive good intentions actually hurt the communities and people they think they are helping.
What does raising the age from 17 to 18 do?
How does it help?
They think they are helping out a lost soul who needs just one more break, just need one more govt program to get them back on track....
In the meantime, they understand full well that they have been given another year to commit crimes that will be cleaned off their record when they turn 18.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Democrats want to help out 17 year old gang members
Posted by
The Game
10:30 PM
Labels: failed liberalism, liberal thought, taxes
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yes, it would be morally reprehensible if your video game tax went up
oh, the sacrifice
Yes, because I am already taxed to high heaven...and you didn't get the main point about what the money was going to be used for, which is par for the course since liberals are unable to understand the damage they do to society, especially the inner city.
That comment by "anon" is a PERFECT example of how a liberal thinks...
Remember that in November when you are not sure if you want to vote for the Republican...the other person thiks like anon
dude, its a tax on video games
All Democrats know how to do is tax and spend while not resolving problems.
In Iowa, the Dumbocrat governor wants to turn the 5 cent bottle deposit into a 9 cent tax on bottles. One cent would go to the store of each dime collected, and the state would take and spend the unclaimed deposits. One cent of the 9 taken would go to the REAP fund. Consumers would only get 8 cents back for each bottle they bothered to return.
“dude, its a tax on video games”
“Dude” it’s a tax!
You ignorant putz!
A little tax here, a little tax there….
Apparently you have no problem with a tax on this, a tax on that. But let’s just say for the sake of argument there was no tax on goods. Lets just say that every morning a collector showed up at your door and said gimme gimmmeee. I take it, you’d have no problem with that. Especially if that same collector used your money to further screw up the people they were supposed to be helping.
Damn, are you for real? Don’t you see what is happening? Man, you’ve been used and abused and don’t even know it!
that is exactly why liberals are much more dangerous than you think...
you guys are just transmitting your frustrations on having to pay taxes in general onto a specific tax which few americans would ever pay, except, ironically, the very target audience the tax purports to help
so using such a specific, micro-targeted tax as a scapegoat by taxpayers resentful and unwilling to meet their basic, universal tax responsibilities will resound as foolishness to the majority of moderates, and will fail because of it
and this woman, who apparently is running for county executive, is actually a political genius for instinctively understanding this, understanding the concept will not be rejected out of hand because of this dynamic
the citizens bought in to how lottery revenues were to be allocated to the schools, how toll roads and bridges were supposed to pay for themselves, and how cigarette taxes were to foot healthcare costs, without demanding ongoing oversight, and without knowing followup would be impossible, and dismissed as trivial and inconsequential
and they will, again, because the need the tax purports to address IS desperately unmet, yet the tax itself affects few
you people continue to yammer on off the "our government is broken" tip, without realizing it is actually functioning precisely the way both parties designed it to, and demanding that they change it
this will not happen
in the paper today:
Two 17-year-old Milwaukee males are in custody in connection with the robberies of three restaurant delivery drivers, Milwaukee police Capt. Michael Young said today.
Pizza delivery drivers were robbed twice in the 3500 block of N. 20th St.- one about 3:50 p.m. Monday and one about 3:30 p.m. Friday, Young said. A Chinese food delivery driver was robbed about 9:45 p.m. Jan. 19 in the 3700 block of N. 19th Place, Young said.
The cases are expected to be reviewed Monday by the Milwaukee County district attorney's office, Young said.
I guess to the liberals here, that is no big deal. They will have their records cleaned on their they can do it again!!!
And have no priors
No consequences!!!
Yeah liberalism!!!
maybe if 17 year olds confined their crimes to Liberals, the libs here might understand after they get robbed, assaulted, and few murdered.
Oh, when you live on the dole and have no voice, but must work more than 40 hours per week, we'll see if the libs stay or run for Canada.
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