Thursday, January 31, 2008

Obama: Decriminalize pot

This guy is a flat out moron.

He proudly tells middle school students about how he did illegal drugs.

He wants to legalize pot, talk to terror leaders personally, lose in Iraq, raise taxes, and on and on and on....


ANYONE who is even close to moderate would be better than him.

If the media is fair about this guy, he would have to lose by about 15 points...

But you have to remember the race card carrying members on the Left that will vote for him simply because he is black, and the idiots who listen to him speak and actually hear something of substance coming out of his mouth. I have yet to hear him say anything in any speach. Its like he has the "book of generic phrases made to fool the common idiot" at his side


Anonymous said...

Seriously, alcohol is more dangerous. Why are we still worried about pot when there's men out there with bombs?

The Game said...

that is it

Ron said...

anonymous is right. Alcohol is more dangerous and is responsible for wife beatings,violence and all kinds of crime and health hazards. There may be a health hazard to pot but other than that it is quite sublime in comparison.
I have no idea why you want to turn pot smokers over 18 into criminals. You that speak about personal freedom and getting government out of our personal lives. If they do something else that breaks the law arrest them but to turn a person smoking a joint in a home, harming no one, into a criminal,

Anonymous said...

i have to admit, i wasn't wild about the way obama spoke of the drugs issue at the school, but he was undeniably direct about it, he'd copped to it all in his book already anyway, and there was no telling how the right-wing hate machine would have spun it

that said, do you understand the difference between decriminalization and legalization

considering the relative lack of damage to society versus the amount spent on interdiction and incarceration of petty offenders, the whole issue does deserve a second look, although perhaps not right now

Anonymous said...

Game,my thoughts exactly. He sounds like and emperor with no clothes. Because I am smart, I can't stand the empty rhetoric and constant screaming "change." His change is basically Marxist and focuses on income redistribution.

Scorpion said...

WILLIE NELSON will love that...the country with a "leader"
that will bring drugs along with him........WOW is exactly right...

The Game said...

I do understand the difference, but the message is the same. It is an illegal drug and people who do it should be punished. I see kids, parents and other adults who may not exactly ruin their lives, but they definately slow it down and in no way is it better.
Maybe some if you rich, white, suburban liberals can handle pot and not let it mess up your life. But I see it EVERYDAY where I work. The kids on pot are 90% losers. They drop out of school because the very small amount of motivation they might have had for education is gone. They get hooked up with more losers so they have a support system, and then a bunch of them turn to cocaine, they they are finished

Anonymous said...

"They get hooked up with more losers so they have a support system, and then a bunch of them turn to cocaine, they they are finished..."

but has the "war on drugs", which even the white house quietly shelved, really worked to address that, over all these years?

can it, in the future?

The Game said...

I think it is possible...50% of adults used to smoke cigs, now they are banned just about everywhere and the number is down to 23%

Ron said...

You haven't addressed any of my points. If you want to be consistent you should make alcohol illegal. It is responsible for more violence and crime and health problems and lost jobs etc. than any other drug. That is not an opinion that is a fact you can look up for yourself. I don't drink at all. Not a drop for nearly 13 years. I would rather smoke a joint. But I am the criminal and you are not. I have harmed no one. Since when are you in favor of so much government regulation over our lives? By the way I think it should remain illegal for kids. That is not my issue.

Anonymous said...

cigarettes have nothing to do with marijuana, and i do not hold smoking bans in high esteem, because it is a legal substance and a major cash crop for the nation

marijuana is an illegal substance, and you have said that you believe it is having a detrimental affect on your students

do you believe that, if the marijuana bans were lifted and it were to be treated like alcohol is, it would be as popular in the ghetto, with the forbidden-fruit aspect (and the profit motive), removed?

Realism said...

The harm of marijuana criminalization is greater than the harm of marijuana itself. Obviously, kids shouldn't use it. If it were legal, it would no longer be a black market product, so criminals wouldn't sell it. You would buy it in the stores, and clerks would card people for it, just like they card people for alcohol.

With criminalization, we have no control how it is distributed, and, by definition, the profits go to support criminal enterprises.

Anonymous said..., apparently the 'ban on smoking' works, uh? I thought none of the liberal policies worked!!

The Game said...

I'm not sure that smoking bans is a liberal "program" but does work. I haven not seen it as a DNC platform issue however.

it is an interesting point that possibly the reason some people smoke pot is simply because it is illegal...

I don't have time to comment further right now, but it is interesting.