Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Update: Fox Pleased Despite 'Idol' Ratings Dip

I was at an establishment that was showing this, so I was forced to watch it.

Maybe this is why the ratings are going down:


Scorpion said...

Horrible show...horrible
makes "stars" out of people who never had to work to perfect what is needed to be a singer/musician/
entertainer.I haven't enjoyed any of the so-called American "idols."

blamin said...

My wife likes this show, so I “watch” it with her while I’m reading (currently Papillon, a most excellent read!)

I have to say that there has been a few “superstars” that’s came out of this show. Clarkson, Underwood, and Chris Doughtery – I always liked Chris, a rocker amongst all the “poppers” he finished fourth (I think) and laughed all the way to the bank, with some decent tuneage I must say.

You could say that this show is a “snapshot” of American culture.

Shallow, PC, and predictable through most of the “season”. But, there really is some true talent that makes it through. If you like music, if you realize that the human voice has the most “depth” of all instruments, you’ll find a few diamonds in the rough.

The audition portion of this show can be seen in a couple of ways. We all like to laugh at the “freaks” that audition, some are too outrageous to even consider (and they know it), some are so bad as to make us uncomfortable just to watch.

But there was one film clip that stands out in my mind…and it goes to show the current state of affairs in this country as well as how we think about ourselves.

An immigrant, and contestant, whom apparently loves this country, was asked about his love life. He stated that he had no children, when asked why, he said because he “wasn’t married”, a young African American lady said (this was in Philly), and I’m paraphrasing, ”you need to get with the times, this is America, marriage don’t matter! And she said it with pride!!!

That little statement just goes to show how much our current debate of liberalism versus conservatism really matters in this country!

blamin said...


I was against this show with every fiber of my being. But after weeding out my bias against pop music and pop clones, I discovered something; there is occasionally, actual talent in this show!

Your statement about ”people who never had to work to perfect what is needed to be a singer/musician” is just untrue – for some.

Doughtery and Hicks spent their life doing garage and bar band gigs in the hopes of being “discovered”. I may be a little biased, since I lived that garage band for a while.

Let’s be honest here, we all probably know people with talent that just haven’t been discovered. This show gives a few that chance.

Let’s all keep our eye on the ball. This is nothing more than an overhyped talent shows, but it gives a few, a chance.

PCD said...

Actually, "America's Got Talent" is a better show eventhough it has Jerry Springer on it.

Anonymous said...

that's the sort of "entertainment" the right gravitates to

liberals read instead