Friday, February 22, 2008

Illegal alien van driver arrested in Minnesota schoolbus tragedy

The local Fox affiliate in the Twin Cities finally confirms what the local papers didn’t seem to want to mention about the horrible school bus accident that killed four children. It didn’t have to happen.

Because of this illegal immigrant:

These children are dead:

This should get any American worried about what both sides of the political spectrum are NOT doing about illegal immigration


Anonymous said...

Honestly, I don't care if all those illegal aliens are rounded up and sent back to their country! It's such a shame that we encourage people to break the law from the time they step into our terrotory! Why would they respect traffic rules when they didn't bother to follow any immigration rules?

You can only imagine the future with three presidential candidates - all sympathetic to Illegal Immigrants!! We are screwed!!

jhbowden said...

"This should get any American worried about what both sides of the political spectrum are NOT doing about illegal immigration"

Why? In any population you're going to have crimes, car accidents, and so forth. The conservative wing of the GOP is demagoguing the immigration issue, and demagoguing it to its own detriment.

Anonymous said...

a lucid statement from jason. refreshing! where's my comment?

Marshal Art said...

Was that sarcasm?

Ron said...

I agree that illegals are harmful to the economy. I agree that they do not deserve all the privledges of citizenship. They are illegal. That word says something.

This crap is out right racist though. How about the kid that killed 5 people in the mall or school etc. That these kids died because of illegal immigration is bullshit. That's stretching it beyond belief. You don't know how the accident even came about. You might have had an accident too.

Even on topics we can agree on we end up disagreeing because you have to turn everything you are against into some evil monster thing(emotionalism in it's truest sense) that will ruin our destiny. I'm up to joining you on the immigration problem but not if you are going personal or turning it into a racial or hate issue. This is a part of America that makes me ashamed.

Pardon me, but you guys really do act scared and I was tired of the fear and guilt 5 years ago. I think most of the population has joined.

Scorpion said...

The definition of ILLEGAL is very straight forward...and should get those in this category straight out
of here...who will be competent enough to do it,however...

jhbowden said...

"I agree that illegals are harmful to the economy."

Ron, this simply is not the case. If anything, the cheap labor at a macro level has been helpful for the American economy.

Natvists think that if someone is getting something, then someone else must be losing something. It isn't an accident that nativists and protectionists tend to be the same people. Capitalism however isn't a zero-sum game, it is about wealth *creation*, not wealth distribution of a static pie. There are people in *both* parties who do not understand this.

As far as fear and guilt are concerned, I agree, we live in a real world, not a social construction, and policy shouldn't be based solely on feeling. This wisdom also applies to those idiots who vote on "hope," "change," "faith in a better tomorrow," and other empty buzzwords and phrases.

Political discourse has degenerated to the intellectual standard of a modeling contest. I'm waiting for Barack Hussein Obama to tell us all he's for world peace.

The Game said...

Man, I have to agree with american and Ron on this one...illegal immigration is bad for American workers, American tax payers, our health care system, our schools and society in general...
Do we need to show all the studies that show how many BILLIONS of dollars tax payers have to spend on these people who break the law and never intend on trying to assimilate into our society...unless you count that they assimilate into the free loader society.

Marshal Art said...

Whatever benefits illegals bring are offset by the downsides. There is no demogogery in stating that laws be followed. Do not risk confusing immigration with illegal immigration. One is not a problem for the right, the other is.

The fact that this driver is illegal is important due to the fact that if she were not here, she would not be involved in the deaths of these kids. How do we know what her abilities as a driver are? Well, now we know they aren't so hot. But those who cross illegally are not beyond illegal actions of other kinds. Some like to paint them as only hard working souls who's only crime was to enter illegally, but this is wishful thinking. Some may be just fine but since they broke the law once, and in such an obvious way, logic dictates that they are likely to break other laws. Chances are, they'll break a few they don't even know exist.

Certainly, this could have happened if the same person were legal, but it didn't. Had she not been here, she would not have been involved in this accident.

I am in favor of deporting everyone who is not legally supposed to be here. I don't care how many there are or what it would cost. In order to be responsible, one must face the consequences of one's actions. We allowed 12 mil to enter illegally and stick around, we now have to pay the price. But deportation of each isn't even required. Simply deporting those we find, confiscating their property when we do, and fining heavily those who hire them would go a long way toward forcing them to leave on their own so as not to be put in a bind if caught. I've recently heard of some western town, I want to say Tulsa, but I'm not sure, that got serious with illegals. They arrested and deported about a thousand and the result was that another ten to fifteen thousand left the city. Enforcement works.

Localfella said...

The murder and mayhem is Nation wide.

Here in Oregon the economy is circling the drain and the Illegal Aliens are resorting to robbery and burglary as the odd jobs disappear.

What ever it takes to feed their booze and drug habits and the violence is increasing with the daily temps rise.