Wednesday, February 20, 2008

McGee survives primary fight

Liberals hate it when we "stereotype" them, but stereotypes come from facts.
Here is another case of fact proving the stereotype.
Stereotype: Democrats do not care about the morality and ethics of their candidates.
Fact: Michael McGee Jr. is in JAIL for stealing from his own community business leaders and then trying to hire people to either beat up or kill someone...then in jail he still went after witnesses.
This is someone the inner city community thinks is a good candidate.
I didn't do it, I'm just seeing something that proves a point.
Dems have a record of voting for these types of people...we have already gone over the list, whereas Republicans will either force someone to resign or not run for re-election.
Second stereotype is that the people of the inner city don't really care about the crime and people committing the crime around them.
If that was not true, Michael McGee Jr. would not have won yesterday.
Yes, emotional liberals will call that racist...but then I guess the truth is racist.
They voted for someone in jail, someone who has been an embarrassment for a long time.
It makes anyone with a clue have a very hard time getting the motivation to help the "disadvantaged" when they clearly do not have any desire to help themselves.
Here is a hint, try voting for someone who is not in jail and who did not try to shake down black business owners....just a thought.