Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Michelle Obama has not been proud of America her whole life

I think this is a sentiment that many liberals feel, and it makes someone who is a patriotic American mad as hell.I hope her clip from last night is played over and over and over and over to remind those of us who do love our country because it is great that they do not want to vote for a person who is just now becoming aware.

It is possible Obama does not share his wife’s views, maybe, but not likely. I'm sure in private he, like most liberals, will bash America as an evil bully who is racist and responsible for most of the worlds problems.Remember this day.

One more thing to get off my chest...In one Obama commercial we are supposed to praise him because he didn't go to work for wall st....he sacrificed for some mill workers instead...I'm going to go out on a limb and say that McCain being a POW for 7 years might deserve a bit more gratitude...


Anonymous said...

"I'm going to go out on a limb and say that McCain being a POW for 7 years might deserve a bit more gratitude..."

I'm glad to see Republicans finally respecting war heroes like McCain. So far, there was a disconnect between rhetoric and practice. Not sure how long it will last...

The Game said...

its all in context...when compared to such a hate America first family like the obama's my conclusion is the only one...

Anonymous said...

Now, Game, I don't think your comment is fair. As you said in your post, you don't know that Barack shares Michelle's views - but now it seems you've changed your mind.

Do you & your wife hold all the same views?

Anonymous said...

"I think this is a sentiment that many liberals feel". how many? 3?

more bullshit.

"when compared to such a hate America first family like the obama's my conclusion is the only one". from your perspective your only conclusion is that you may have polyps.

Jay Bullock said...

"Michelle Obama has not been proud of America her whole life"
I don't see how you can infer that, without trying superextrahard, from what she said.

Ron said...

After the last 25 years, which would include all her adult life I would have to, for the most part, agree with her. Humility instead of pride would be more in order. We've been going the wrong way for a long time. Of course the knee jerk reactionaries will flip over anyone who would deny the politically correct..Que sera sera. Fluffing it off as hate America first just proves you are paying more attention to what others are doing than what your own country is responsible for. It's a lame guilt trip that I'm not buying.

The Game said...

I know you don't like hear it and don't want most Americans hearing it, but it seems very clear that the people who don't like this country are liberals.
What has happened the last 25 years?
Berlin wall coming down, huge growth in the economy, a larger black middle class, more people working.
Now, we can go to liberal blogs and see all the hate for our country...how we cause terrorism, how we are racist and sexist, how everyone hates us...
SHE SAID IT HERSELF...it might be a breath of fresh air to hear a liberal slip and tell the truth, but enough of the truth of what a real liberal thinks about this country and what they want this country to be will mean a McCain win...
I don't want socialized, watered down crap healthcare, I don't want taxes to go up so job growth can go down, I don't want to help terrorist win the war...

Ron said...

Sorry, you lose.

I have seen us imperialize and start "accessing nations" around the globe to control and dominate them and their resources. Just like we accused evil Russia for doing when I was growing up. Standards are standards and I'm not into pretending that all is well and we are still the country I was taught we were and should be. You can play your guilt trip til kingdom come on me and you'll bark yourself out. My pride is conditional. The things I esteem are worthy of it. Yes, some things that were positive have happened. The general course has been down. You like facts so much. How about taking a little time someday to compare our ratings as a country, on a whole range of things, from health care to education to ....whatever you want and see if we are number one on nearly any of those today. Now look at somewhere in the 60s or 70s. We are number one in many areas. We are losing our country Game. Now is not the time for platitudes.

Just a note but, you always talk about you always talk about emotional arguments and how horrible they are but now we have an issue that swims in emotion and you are .....quite emotional.

The Game said...

You are correct Ron, we have created more and more people who can't do anything but get free stuff from the government...that does not "change" with Obama...so voting for him would continue the socialism of our country.
My point, which is proven by your post, is that liberals are not proud of this country. If we continue our socialism we might one day not be the greatest country in the world, but we still are and millions want to come here because of that fact.

Marshal Art said...

"for the first time in my adult life, I'm proud of America." I believe those are the words she used Jay. Not much to misunderstand there.

I have no problem being proud of my country. We screw up and then fix it. We have nothing but opportunity for those willing to do what it takes. People like Michelle and Barak Obama can go to ivy league schools. They can rise, through no real effort beyond sweet talkin', to be on the short list of Dem nominees for POTUS. Our country has taken the risk of doing what other countries and former presidents and Dem members of the House and Senate only spoke of, that being to remove Hussein from power. We have taken the battle TO the terrorists, rather than waiting for them to dictate with another attack. We give tons of dough to Africa for the fight against AIDS. We give money time and materials for every freakin' natural disaster that hits anywhere in the world. At our ultimate worst, we are still the destination for immigrants, both legal or otherwise, from all over the world, and moreso than any other country. Michelle Obama's comments were, uh, Obama-nable.

Ron said...

Game, again you are too young to remember but we have not been living under anything like liberal for dozens of years now. It is the conservatives and their policies that are responsible for the slide in our highest ideals. I love the ideals of America but that is not what we have. That fact of who has been running the show getting everything they want should lead you to that conclusion. But that would be common sense and we know just how much you hate that. Thats emotional!

Just because you haven't completely eliminated taxes or any involvement by the government in anything but defense does not mean we have been living in a liberal country.
Yes, I hate the country you and yours have made. It disgusts me the cowardice,fear, hate and malice. The lying and thievery we have been doing especially to those outside our own country. It's one thing for us to bicker and fight, it is a whole other thing to push it off on the rest of the world. I know it's not politically correct to say that but deep down everybody knows its true. We are acting just like the hated soviets did, from internal "security" to foreign policy. We torture and render and the excuse is well the most barbaric people on the planet did it too! Such high ideals!

It's those things I speak of rather than specific economic or social policies. Living up to the standard we profess. Anything else makes us a nation of lyin hypocrites.
I kinda liked the country I grew up with. I have little pride in what the United States does these days. Theres your "liberal" proof. You can call it hate America if you want, I call it calling out a phony. And I call it Love of liberty,freedom and altruism. If I could go somewhere else I might give it a try. I'd almost rather let you just have it than fight about it. Unfortunately I can't go somewhere else so I guess, love it or hate it, I have to stay here and do battle to make it as good as I can.

You have started going the direction of pcd. Everything bad is because of liberal this and liberal that. You guys don't even make sense. If you want the Constitution we started with and a country that lives up to the ideals you so chest puffingly profess yourselves you better start acting like a citizen and not a conservative or a republican. That's all I'm sayin.

Again, for an issue that is necessarily so bathed in "emotion" I find you quite willing to display yours.

Ron said...

MA:We have nothing but opportunity for those willing to do what it takes.

Your world varies quite significantly from others on this point. Ya, I know pull your bootstraps. Many are, 2 or three jobs,maybe 3 or 4 in the household that's not enough.

I guess the better question is opportunity for what?

I'm not saying this is the worst place to live by any stretch. We are talking about pride and we could do so much better. Many countries do. Statistically that is proven. I am talking about how our people are served and our ideals as a nation.

I think we just have a fundamental difference in how it ought to work. I believe we should use the government as a coordinated group effort to benefit all of us. That is how I interpret- of the people, by the people, for the people.

You guys believe that numerous individual efforts will add to the same thing or better.

I know you see my description above as welfare or something but that is not what I am saying, remember I said effort. If you noted that word you get an A for comprehension.

Like I said, If I could let you have it I would cuz I see how important it is to you guys but I see no possible way go somewhere else and I hate what my country has become so I guess we'll have to bicker.