Saturday, March 15, 2008

Another reason not to murder your baby...

Royal college warns abortions can lead to mental illness


Realism said...

I'm not convinced that mentally unstable women would make very good mothers...

Anonymous said...

contradicted by this article.

Marshal Art said...

Well, this comes as good news. Nice to know someone's catching up with the reality of the situation. Pro-life groups have been sounding the alarm regarding depression and regret following abortions almost since Roe v Wade. (Of course it could be said that women who seek abortions are already suffering from some mental defect, but we won't go there.) I wonder if this piece of international decision making will show up on the radar of liberal lawmakers.

The Game said...

if you don't want the baby, give it up for adoption...the least you can do to make up for your irresponsible behavior is give the kid a chance.

Realism said...

if you don't want the baby, give it up for adoption...the least you can do to make up for your irresponsible behavior is give the kid a chance.

Personally, I agree. However, I also believe that it is morally wrong to force one person to serve as a means to someone else's ends.

Marshal Art said...

Nice article, anon. They totally condradict themselves. Why the need to provide a service to help mothers "cope" with their abortion? Obviously the focus is not on some major debilitative form of mental illness, but on the regret and guilt felt after the act. This can last a lifetime as has been documented by pro-life groups. The fact that it doesn't necessarily lay someone up doesnt' mean it hasn't affected a woman's mental health or that it won't continue to in the future. The degree to which it does is not the point, only that it does affect them negatively in many cases.

I recall, however, an quote from Gloria Steinem regarding her abortions and she claimed she tried to feel sorry but couldn't. I believe that kind of callousness regarding the act of terminating a life is a sign of mental illness.

Realism said,

"I'm not convinced that mentally unstable women would make very good mothers...

Imagine driving and hitting a pothole. This causes the coffee you just bought to splash onto your crotch and in the moment you respond to the scalding in your nether regions, a kid runs out from between the parked cars to retrieve a ball. You smack him and he's history. Imagine the weight of your remorse and then tell me that you are "stable" enough to continue as a parent or to be one at all. This is the kind of mental condition of which the pro-lifers speak. And again, the degree to which one is affected by such events differs with each individual.

Anonymous said...

killing a kid is not having an abortion. they are two different things. furthermore, i've read stories of women who have agonized for years and years after having given up a baby for adoption. how is this any less traumatic than aborting a fetus?

Marshal Art said...

"killing a kid is not having an abortion."

Well this is just what the debate is all about, isn't it? Of course having an abortion is killing a kid and visa versa. There's no difference beyond the age of the kid killed.

"i've read stories of women who have agonized for years and years after having given up a baby for adoption. how is this any less traumatic than aborting a fetus?"

The kid given up for adoption is still alive. The possibility exists of a reunion at some point in the child's life. Neither is true with abortion and the finality of it is decidedly a weightier situation. Pretty simple if one uses the brains God gave one.

Anonymous said...

"There's no difference beyond the age of the kid killed." except there is no kid and there is no age.

the subject was not family reunions. it is about the mental health of women who abort a fetus vs women who give up a child to adoption.

Marshal Art said...

"the statement of a liar who thinks he's god."

The stupidity of this statement is worthy of an award. Perhaps you'd like to present evidence that contradicts my position? A new person exists at the moment of fertilization. Basic biology. Dig it.

Anonymous said...

i can easily refute that, ma. i am not a liar and i don't believe a fetus is a person. it's not biology, it's philosophy and law.

Marshal Art said...

"i can easily refute that, ma.

Consider the gauntlet thrown. Give it your best shot. Just warn me first so's I'm not sippin' a drink at the time. The spit-take your best shot will surely provoke could short my computer. There is no way to prove that a fetus is not a person. It is not philosophy that proves anything for philosophy is opinion. It is not law that proves anything for the law once said that blacks were only 3/5 of a person. Biology does indeed prove it's a person because it's how every person comes into existence, it's simply another stage of human growth and development, and there is no other way to produce another person. But go ahead. Let's hear YOUR arbitrary dividing line for personhood.

Anonymous said...

so's your semen.

you can throw any gauntlet you want. i don't have to prove it one way or another. nor do you. i will never, EVER consider abortion murder. i don't care if life begins the second you start getting hot and bothered.

i'm moral, i'm christian, i support adoption, and i think ivf is great even though it ends in the purposeful destruction of hundreds of thoughsands of potential human beings. would you call that genocide?

if you are morally against abortion, don't do it.

Marshal Art said...

Sorry, that's a stupid argument. I'm morally against murder, which abortion is. It's a person at an early stage of development. Not early like your basic 6 yr old, but even earlier. I don't murder and don't hope to see anyone else murder either. So if I'm against murder, I shouldn't do it and that's that? I have no say as to whether it's OK for anyone to murder? You can deny the truth all you want but you can't eliminate it. Abortion is murder.

Anonymous said...

doesn't cut it, ma. murder is a legal term. abortion is not murder. you should be against murder for many reasons, not the least of which is because it is illegal.

abortion is not murder. abortion is not murder. in the united states, a woman can have a legal abortion and she can never be charged with murder because abortion is not murder.

abortion is not murder. you can look it up in any penal code in the country. you will not find abortion as grounds for a charge of murder. know why? because abortion is not murder.

abortion may be morally repugnant to you, and i respect that. but abortion is not murder. it's not. have you found any penal code in the united states where a legal abortion is considered murder? you can't, because abortion is not murder. it's not.