Wednesday, March 05, 2008

DNC Lays Out Choice For Florida And Michigan: Rules, Re-Vote

This is a great parallel for what will happen with a Dem in the White House in regards to the war on terror...
Dems will try and and pretend they are tough but, in the end, they will be the paper tiger terrorists called the US up to 9-11. Dems can't back up what they say, they can't stick to the hard decisions. Since a Republican is in office, terrorist understand the US will fight back, but get the Dem back in, and the terrorist will get a "do-over" just like Michigan and Florida.


Anonymous said...

...they will be the paper tiger terrorists called the US up to 9-11...

how, since saddam hussein had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks, the entire bush family was best buddies with the bin laden family, and 9/11 itself happened on bush's watch?

and what on earth does any of this have to do with florida, michigan, and the dnc?

The Game said...

are you really that slow...
the DNC tried to act tough and show some back bone, then then they give up when the going gets tough...a typical liberal trait.
If you get a Dem in the White House they will do the same thing in regards to the war on terror, and it is that weakness that gives terrorists the courage they need to attack something they consider weak.

Anonymous said...

this is an incredible stretch. and anyway, the article says the dnc is sticking by its guns on the rules.

that said, at least they have the sense to re-evaluate the situation when conditions change.