Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Clinton: $2.3B in earmarks

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) has requested nearly $2.3 billion in federal earmarks for 2009, almost three times the largest amount received by a single senator this year.

Just think what this tax and spend liberal would do to the fewer and fewer people who pay all the taxes.


blamin said...

I caught the O’Reilly – HiC interview tonight. Hillary said she would raise the top fed income tax rate to 39.6%. She waffled on raising payroll taxes.

Let’s take a look at this. 39.6% fed, and 6.5% (an average, some states are higher, some lower) state income tax rate. That’s a 46.1% income tax rate. Add payroll taxes ranging anywhere from a few percentage points to 10%. Add sales taxes. Add gas taxes. Add property taxes. Add corporate taxes, and “sin” taxes. Add to that built in taxes/fees on “luxuries”, license fees, user fees, and the final “bend over and grasp your ankles” estate taxes and you have the government keeping more of what you make than you get to keep yourself.

This is a tax rate on legitimate, lawful, earnings. There is no way on God’s Green Earth this can be justified. Speaking of GGE if you also tithe 10%, what does that leave a producer for all his efforts?

The government is ravenous. They continue to grow, demanding more and more of our blood, sweat, and tears, to fund questionable, inefficient, bureaucracies (and don’t be fooled, government bureaucracies are amongst the most inefficient organizations on the face of the earth), all the while berating us for having the audacity to even question the need for MORE taxes or ESPECIALLY daring to ask about the efficiency of the programs they’ve put in place.

It’s a hell of a gig.

I think I just answered my own question as to why any person of intelligence would even strive to be a politician. Who wouldn’t want to be in charge of the majority of wealth generated in this country? Pretty heady stuff – all that power.

This is nothing less than an outrage!!!