Tuesday, April 22, 2008

What is wrong with Obama...

Obama lost tonight...somewhere between 6 and 10 points...
Well, a breakdown of voting patterns shows that voters in small towns...you know, the ones where people are bitter and only go to Church because their government has not taken care of their every need...those people...they don't like Obama the snob.
So now Obama has ANOTHER problem.
1. Patriots who take their faith seriously won't vote for him
2. Racist whites will not vote for him
3. People able to connect dot after dot after dot showing that Obama is surrounded by people who do not like this country...even know terrorists who bombed govt buildings and is proud of it...The average American can only sit back so long and say that these things do not matter. But when you take all these stories, all these people, all these quotes and put them together...you have a person who would be very dangerous if he controlled the country.


blamin said...

"What is wrong with Obama?"

The person he portrays is not real.

Anonymous said...

i believe insane mccain is far more dangerous to the nation but i also think obama is too problematic

i am further to the left than most of you, but i believe obama has a deep, fundamental hate of the white man, too divisive for the problems we face today

one need only look at his subliminal adoption of jay-z's "brushing off his shoulders" lyrics to covertly pander to what has essentially become his core constituency, to know what i am talking about

there have just been too many weaknesses in obama's positions and his affiliations not to pay heed

imho, come back in four or eight years and challenge the incumbent, when he's not so wet behind the ears

i'm also disturbed by the tone of hardcore obama supporters of all races and socioeconomic backgrounds, and their robotic rhetoric, which seems like just more right-wing babble, reconstituted for fashionably trendy left-wing mouths, without much worthwhile substance and purpose, for a candidate who seems as globalist and corporatist as all the other bums on both sides of the aisle

i continue to be dismayed by their utter intolerance for religious PEOPLE of mainstream faiths, while defending a radical, seperatist form of black liberation theology
that seems hardly rooted in Christianity and will not help mend this broken nation

lastly, his elitist attitude and better-knowing persona is obnoxious in one who would claim to wish to "reach across the aisle"

you can literally see it in the way he holds his head up during his speeches, where his nose is so far in the air, it blocks the light

barack obama is, in my opinion, too much of a risk to take, for so little promise or reward

so i agree with your basic premise, game, even though i approach it from a leftist standpoint

The Game said...

well done anon
you said: i believe obama has a deep, fundamental hate of the white man,

Well, if he doesn't, many people around him are...so he must hate everyone who is around him..

then you said:
one need only look at his subliminal adoption of jay-z's "brushing off his shoulders" lyrics to covertly pander to what has essentially become his core constituency, to know what i am talking about

well, he does get 92% of the black vote...but we only hear about whites who are racist for NOT voting for Obama...but I'm sure there is no racism here...I guess they simply all think the same way...

i'm also disturbed by the tone of hardcore obama supporters of all races and socioeconomic backgrounds, and their robotic rhetoric

all obama supporters can say is that he is for "change" None of them know what that means or can give examples, but it looks good on a sign or bumper sticker

i continue to be dismayed by their utter intolerance for religious PEOPLE of mainstream faiths, while defending a radical, seperatist form of black liberation theology
that seems hardly rooted in Christianity and will not help mend this broken nation

couldn't say it better myself...
well done

Scorpion said...

There are still too many out there who aren't saying "oh no" to Obama....

Realism said...

Perhaps someone, ANYONE could give an example of "utter intolerance for religious PEOPLE of mainstream faiths"?

And no, saying that people cling to their religion thru the hard times that Republicans caused is not "intolerance". Personally, I have always "clung" to my faith thru the hard times, economic and otherwise.

The Game said...

I respect you realism (usually)...but I see his comments meaning something else.
It's great to look to religion through the hard times..but he included that with guns and racist views on illegal immigrants...he put them all on the same level. He was not saying it as a positive thing

blamin said...

“…thru the hard times that Republicans caused…”

Kind of a simplistic statement don’t you think?

What exactly did the Repub’s do to cause “hard times”? Did the war in Iraq cause them? Was it the faceless evil corporations taking advantage of the peoples of the globe? Or maybe evil Repub inspired capitalism raping the planet? Or perhaps the greed of Americans that are simply “lucky enough” to be born with such privilege? All of the above?

OK, maybe I’m being a little facetious, but what about these “hard times” you speak of? I think that except for a few areas we’re doing pretty good. No doubt there’s reason for concern, but do you expect every single aspect, every single area, of our extremely complex, interrelated economy to be great at all times? And when a few areas are performing less than perfect is it the governments’ job to run in and try to fix the problem? (The key word being “try” because more times than not a government fix tends to either make the problem worse or unintentionally screws up other segments of the society or economy)

No, any problems we’re having right know is related both to our culture and our economy, there’s no way all or even most of the blame can be laid at the feet of the Republicans.

Anonymous said...

what obama was alluding to was the fact that there are some people who are obviously NOT better off now than they were 7 years ago continue to vote for those who do not support THEIR true interests. because they are bitter about their economic plight and are frustrated that leaders can't or don't do anything about it, their political support is based on party stands on religion (abortion, homosexuality) and guns rather on their economic interests.

it's nuanced, but i think you can understand that.

The Game said...

I don't know which magic hat you pulled that out of....maybe you are sitting on it.
It is clear what he is saying...if you are biased and love Obama I guess you will spin it as hard as you can and believe anything...

Anonymous said...

it's no magic hat. it IS clear what he meant even if he didn't say it elegantly. i knew what he meant even before he gave any explanation. i do NOT love obama. my choice for the dems was neither of these two.

it is clear that a large segment of the population does not vote in their best economic interest. it is clear that obama did NOT say that people were religious or liked guns because they are bitter people.

if you are biased and you HATE obama i guess you will spin it as hard as you can and believe anything...

The Game said...

anon 1254225415

Here is the quote again:
"And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations,"

Why is anti-immigrant sentiment and guns included with religion???
He is putting all these "negative" things together. Explain how this is wrong.