Wednesday, May 14, 2008

29% of Democrats say Hillary should run an Independent campaign

That would be about the only way I think McCain could win


Anonymous said...

weren't about the same percent of republicans saying the same thing about huckabee?

jhbowden said...

Huckabee is a socialist for Jesus.

Anonymous said...

If Americans see McCain as a doddering, weak old man, and Obama as a radical, socialist, black-supremacist biped (categorizations I'd more or less go along with, Hillary actually would win in a landslide as an independent, but there's no chance of it financially and she's not going to throw the career she has now with the Dems, along with a possible 2012 redux, away playing Ralph Nader.

Too bad. She would have made a better-than-decent centrist alternative, to the other two clowns (I'll stay home or vote McCain if necessary, the Brzezinski crew is worse than the neocons).