Friday, May 02, 2008

DNC making stuff up about McCain

Why doesn't the liberal media have headlines talking about how the Dems have started their negative campaign, how they don't want to talk about the issues, how they are mean spirited...
Here is ANOTHER example of Dem's needing to twist things, edit cleverly and try and make lies seem real to get votes:

The Democratic National Committee has produced two TV ads against McCain, hoping to soften him up while the party figures out who its own presidential nominee will be.

One ad shows selected portions of McCain's comments that a 100-year U.S. presence in Iraq would be "fine with me." The ad uses dramatic images of war and violence, and omits any mention that McCain was speaking of a peaceful presence like that in Japan or Korea.

An earlier ad attacks McCain for saying the nation's economy is "prosperous" and "better off overall" than eight years ago. The ad uses a couple of incorrect statistics to argue otherwise. It says the country has lost 1.8 million jobs when, in fact, it has gained nearly 5.4 million, and it says gasoline prices have risen 200 percent, when the actual figure is 139 percent.


Anonymous said...

your joking! 200 vs. 139? wow!

you're wrong about the 100 years ad. It is uncut, taken word for word. He literally said it was fine with him if we're in iraq for 100 years. so muslims can hate the us being in their holy land for 100 years? If he wants to get to the point where americans aren't being hurt in iraq, he should agree to get them out. then no more killed americans.

and i believe the 1.8 million jobs figure CLEARLY says "overseas".

TerryN said...

It is the party represented by a jackass. How apropos.

blamin said...

"weak policy, questionable worldview, poor judgement, and his military service is meaningless"

Anon, the post was about McCain, not Obama.

Pay attention!