Thursday, May 08, 2008

Feds arrest illegal immigrants who are trying to leave USA

This is wrong...
If there are illegals trying to leave to US, we should have an express lane.
We should have a "quick pass" like they do at Six Flags.


TerryN said...

Things are backwards these days in the good old USA. Don't forget Ramos and Campion, the two border guards imprisoned for shooting an armed illegal alien drug smuggler. Why even Mr. Bush supports their imprisonment as he won't consider a pardon.

blamin said...

Perhaps they’re actually hunting bad guys trying to escape punishment. That’s the only justification for what they’re doing.


The case of Ramos and Campion is a miscarriage of justice. If Bush does not pardon these two upon leaving office, he’s going to lose even more respect from his already depleted “respect column”.