Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Have more people voted for Hillary?

Popular Vote (w/FL & MI)
Obama 16,684,752 47.6%
Clinton 16,711,719 47.7%
Clinton +26,967 +0.08%


Jay Bullock said...

Those numbers only hold if you leave out some of the caucus states that do not report official turnout numbers (though turnout can be inferred in most cases) and if you presume that none of the 237,762 who voted "uncommitted" in Michigan really would have voted for Obama had his name been on the ballot. If you count just 15% of those uncommitteds (or 6% of the voters total, in a state where he polled in the 40s) as Obama voters, then he beats her without even adding in those caucuses.

Question: You have likely never believed a single word out of Hillary's mouth before this. Why are you pushing her line now?

The Game said...

I'm just throwing it out there for debate Jay...nothing more, nothing less...
At this point I think everyone knows who is the more popular candidate.

jhbowden said...

We're getting the weaker candidate, Obama. But McCain thinks he can have an honorable campaign -- boy is he in for a surprise, especially from the Democrats in the media McCain believes are his friends.

Anonymous said...

Why are you including Florida and Michigan? As you know, Obama was not even on the list in one of those states.