Saturday, May 31, 2008

Obama quits Trinity

So why did he quit now?
He has heard this racist crap for 20 years, and he obviously liked hearing about it the whole time...
But now all his decisions are based on politics, being President...
Come on Obama, you are for "change"
You are not the typical candidate...
You say you are sad about leaving, then don't leave...
"Change" the way politics work, stick to your values and morals
Keep going to a church that spews hate for America and Jews, don't change who you are now...don't be fake, don't be like every other politician


jhbowden said...

Buraq Obama donated $26,000 to his Church in 2006. That's more than many people make in a year.

What changed his mind? Blind ambition, of course. Not exactly change you can believe in.

Scorpion said...

"OH NO" Obama strikes again..and again...and again..imagine that....

Marshal Art said...

Regarding Barry's departure from Trinity, I think it shows the cut of his jib that he would turn his back on what he has depicted as such an integral part of his life. His inability to deal effectively with questions surrounding his association with this church and others gives us a good idea of how ineffective he'd be as a president dealing with questions regarding his governance. I find it incredible that he has so many supporters who don't or won't see what is so apparent to anyone not drinking the Razz-Barry Kool Aid.