Thursday, May 01, 2008

Only 12 Miles of Real Border Fence Done Despite Law and May Deadline

Why do Dem's want to make it easier for illegals to get into our country?
I already know the answer, but feel free to voice your opinion...


The Game said...

oh, and if you liberals want to simply make up lies (the only way to defend your position), remember this:

built a fence along the border of San Diego County that is credited with reducing the number of people and drugs coming into the country by 90 percent since its completion in 2000

So is it 100% effective?
It's only 90%, a bit better than your open borders policy which is closer to 0% effective

Scorpion said...

What part of the word ILLEGAL is so difficult to understand...

Anonymous said...

Be honest man! What did republican president and republican senate do in 6 years? Tell me how many miles of fence they built? Stop this cheap politics - both parties have failed America!

The Game said...

It did take too long for the Right to get this legislation past, but they did it (Dems would NEVER pass it) it is the Left that is blocking it.
On this issue the Republicans are bad...Dems are terrible

Anonymous said...

Partisan bs is always fun to partake in! The economy sucks!!!