Sunday, May 11, 2008

Oopsie! Obama adviser a little too chummy with Hamas.

One of Barack Obama’s Middle East policy advisers disclosed today that he had held meetings with the militant Palestinian group Hamas - prompting the likely Democratic nominee to sever all links with him.
Robert Malley told The Times he had regularly been in contact with Hamas, which controls Gaza but is listed by the US State Department as a terrorist organisation. Such talks, he stressed, were related to his work for a conflict resolution think tank and had no connection with his position on Mr Obama’s Middle East advisory council.
“I’ve never hidden the fact that in my job with the International Crisis Group I meet all kinds of people,” he added.
But Ben LaBolt, a spokesman for Mr Obama, responded swiftly, saying: “Rob Malley has, like hundreds of other experts, provided informal advice to the campaign in the past. He has no formal role in the campaign and he will not play any role in the future.”

It's just ANOTHER guy, another person who is around Obama...
Any logical person is going to wonder what Obama must think when he is
surrounded by people like this...


Unknown said...

Of course, McCain's cozy with the hired hands for the Myanmar regime that just killed 100,000 of its citizens.

Anonymous said...

"The man picked by the John McCain campaign to run the 2008 Republican National Convention resigned Saturday after a report that his lobbying firm used to represent the military regime in Myanmar."

blamin said...

Jay & anon,

Gosh, the similarities you’re attempting to make are actually working, they’re making Obama look better!

With supporters like Wright, Ayers, Farrahkan, Rezko, Malley, El-Hady, and Ortega, he must truly be our political messiah! When his church supports Hamas, and Hamas supports him, how can we go wrong?

Why, if it wasn’t for the dastardly reporting of the right wing controlled main stream media, scaring them into being silent, Hezbollah would have thrown in, and Obama would truly be the candidate of Suppressed Peoples everywhere!!!

Timelines, you need to check them out before trying to draw too much of a similarity.

Anonymous said...


It's not about the similarities. It's about exposing both sides. It's about showing how both sides are not perfect.

I can always find someone who is closer to a leader, involved in terrorism/oppression etc. (Like, Saudi royal family - good friends of Bush family). It would be foolish to question someone's patriotism based on a few people around them.

The Game said...

you should atleast admit that Obama has more than a "few"
A long list that includes someone who married him, baptized his kids, a person he listened to for 20years...
I know you want to pretend getting an endorsement is the same as all that, but it is just not
You have to question what is Obama got in his head with all the human crap around him.
He didn't pick up ANY of that stuff?

Ron said...

This is the shallow end....This is a Kevin James BWahahahahahahaha.. What the F*** are you talking about? Do you have any idea what you are talking about? What is going to happen. We will be under Islamic law and wearing Burkas? Radial government building bombing people will control us? An angry black man who hates america will take over and do all he can to destroy it? What the hell are you talking really talking about. Then tell me how and why it will effect government policy.