Friday, May 02, 2008

Republican blogger has Al Franken's Senate campaign reeling

Senate candidate Al Franken wants to talk about jobs, health care and global warming. Republican blogger Michael Brodkorb wants to talk about Franken's failure to pay all his income taxes on time.
Guess what everyone is talking about?
From the kitchen table in his tranquil suburban neighborhood, Brodkorb for the last year has used his blog "Minnesota Democrats Exposed" to launch a furious political assault on Franken. He's labeled the former comedian and liberal commentator a "mean-spirited and un-Minnesotan" candidate who's running a "desperate and ridiculous" campaign.
That's routine stuff in the world of political blogging, but in the last two months Brodkorb has scored two direct hits that have the Franken campaign reeling. Brodkorb scooped the traditional media by detailing extensive bookkeeping problems in New York and California that ultimately prompted Franken, this week, to pay about $70,000 in back taxes to 17 states.

Good, Frankin IS the stereotypical hate-filled liberal who would will, no doubt, take something much less serious and try and blow it up on his opponent just like this legitimate issue has hurt Frankin


Anonymous said...

Al Franken has tough time ahead!

Anonymous said...

did you know that franken DID pay the taxes and on time, but his accountant paid them to the wrong state. so now franken is paying them AGAIN?

jhbowden said...

"did you know that franken DID pay the taxes and on time, but his accountant paid them to the wrong state. so now franken is paying them AGAIN?"

To defend Franken against charges of negligence, you propose that Franken is simply incompetent.

Absolutely amazing.

blamin said...

Well, there you have it, the accountant f'd up.