Tuesday, June 03, 2008

AP tally: Obama effectively clinches nomination

So, are you going to vote for Obama?
Here is what you get:
1. To say you voted for a black guy, effectively suppressing your white guilt for 10 minutes
2. Much, much higher taxes
3. More handouts
4. More entitlements
5. allow global warming morons to completely ruin our economy
6. Therefore you are taking away jobs from everyone
7. taking away our lives because you will be pulling out of Iraq killing hundreds of thousands if not millions in the middle east...then after they set up shop there, terrorists will plan sometime much worse than 9-11
8. someone in office who is surrounded by people who think America is a bully and racist...so we will have to "change" that.
9. someone who will be taken to the cleaners by every other leader in this world


Anonymous said...

It's over...unless as I said earlier, far-right groups stop dragging McCain into far right! They should let him 'steal' the votes of moderate democrats. To me, it looks like many conservatives want to see McCain defeated! They can't seem to digest his honest,liberal stand on many issues. Too bad. His service and sacrifice in the Vietnam alone should unite all the conservatives.

On the other hand, I think you are going overboard in painting Obama as some 'evil' thing. It's very stupid to characterize him as an anti-national person whose only aim is to wreck this society and economy. For all the tough talk, that's what precisely Bush did in the last 8 years. Where is the border fence? Where is the 'stop on spending'? Where is the economy?

Oh well...

The Game said...

border fence: conservative failure
spending: why they lost in 2006
Economy: goes up and down just like our climate...you give to much credit to a single person

Marshal Art said...

I don't believe Republicans do well pandering to the left. They win by standing by conservative principles. Even dems win when they move to the middle, if not the right. It doesn't work in reverse. McCain might pick up some Hillary supporters who don't like Obama, but that's different from wooing lefties by moving left.

But look at recent history. Carter won because Nixon screwed up, plus, he wasn't all that conservative. Slick Willy won largely because Bush I went left and raised taxes after promising not to. There was also a bit of that "change" crap because we had 12 years of Republicans. That's almost automatic. Then, in the last midterms, the GOP lost a lot of seats due to the spending, but they lost many of them to conservative dems. Reagan won a second term, and Bush his first, due to the overt conservatism of Reagan, together with his positive view of our nation and its people. True conservatism has appeal to which even many libs are susceptable.

jhbowden said...

McCain is a socialist, and I would much rather have the Democrats take the blame for ruining our country with socialist policies.

I'd vote for Barr, if it weren't for the fact that Obama makes Neville Chamberlain look like Patton.

Today, Ahmadinejad told us "I must announce that the Zionist regime, with a 60-year record of genocide, plunder, invasion and betrayal is about to die and will soon be erased from the geographical scene."

Going full speed ahead with his nuclear program, Mahmoud promised "Today, the time for the fall of the satanic power of the United States has come and the countdown to the annihilation of the emperor of power and wealth has started."

God Damn America! You leftists may get your wish.