Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Democrats focus on race

Which group focuses on race?
Which group is obsessed with race and gender?
I think it was Obama who is the first to bring up race in this election.
He WANTS anything said about him to be labeled "racist"
He is a typical, average, not special AT ALL liberal politician.
He has the playbook and he is using it to the letter.
He is the one going to a racist church for 20 years
He is the one who took Muslims out of his picture
It was a fellow Democrat who recently said Obama didn't have "slave blood" in him

EVERYTHING is thought of in terms of race, gender and economic status to the Dems


Leanna Willis said...

How do I link to your site?

jhbowden said...

That's the holy trinity of Academia: Race, Class, and Gender.

I was taught values have no basis in fact, a notion that goes back to Max Weber that contradicts our Greek and Christian intellectual inheritance.

If one doesn't believe in merit, then any success will be seen as cheating, and any failure will be seen as oppression. This explains a LOT of confusing liberal behavior, such as the sympathy with the rightwing gun-toting pickup truck-driving religious fundamentalists such as the Palestinians. We're supposed to believe Ned Flanders is "just as bad" as a mother who uses her child as a bomb to kill infidels.

blamin said...

Jason nails it yet again!

It's bittersweet. Bitter that so many are duped into believing the pap you've highlighted. Sweet that so many are no longer fooled by the same pap.

What's truly disturbing is the so-called undecided or moderates that can't seem to make up their mind weather to believe the sewage spewed by the self-appointed elite.

PCD said...

Democrats are racists.

Anonymous said...

"If one doesn't believe in merit, then any success will be seen as cheating, and any failure will be seen as oppression"

Profound and apropos. As a liberal I must accuse you of stealing this from a poor minority.