Saturday, June 07, 2008

Many homes, and streets, and parks invaded today

That is a pic of a "stream" that is usually 2-3 feet about 300 yards

I honestly can't remember this big a storm bringing this much rain for so long.

We are on storm two of the day right now.

We got 4 inches of rain in 2-3 hours.

The storm went from southern Racine county to Port Washington...

And from Milwaukee to Jefferson County.

The whole storm was red and white on the radar, and I don't think it was because it was patriotic...

I'll try and post a few pics of a park by my house that is mostly under water...

This is not a small park...this park is over a half a mile long and atleast 6 city blocks wide...


Anonymous said...

I'm sure it was all due to failed liberal policies...! LOL

The Game said...
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The Game said...

No, I drove my Jeep too much yesterday morning, causing a large amount of global warming in the area