Sunday, June 15, 2008

Malik Obama confirms his half-brother Barack grew up a Muslim

Why does he have to lie about who he is?
Well, in a general election all liberals have to lie about their beliefs to get elected, but Obama seems to have to lie about everything he does and everyone around him.

Apparently the Obamas of Kenya have been reading those scurrilous emails to which Barack likes to refer, because they have no doubt -- contrary to the claims of the Obama campaign, that the presidential candidate was raised a Moslem. They take that as a given.

Melanie Phillips is the most recent commentator to draw attention to the massive body of evidence that leaves no doubt that Barak Hussein Obama was born a Muslim (Islam is patrilineal) and raised a Muslim (so registered in school, acknowledging attending Islamic classes, reported accompanying his step-father to the mosque, and able to recite the Koran in the original Arabic).


Anonymous said...

even if true, it doesn't matter. george w. bush was a drunken non-believer AS AN ADULT and you have never had a problem with him.

lot's of kids go to catholic schools who aren't catholic. "born a muslim?" muslim, christian? those are faith's not biological truths.

this is hateful, scaremongering bullshit. you should be ashamed of posting this.

The Game said...

You do not understand the point of the post.
You WANT it to be racism and me yelling that Obama is a Muslim to make people hate him.
That is not the case.
I am bringing up the fact that Obama feels the need to lie about his past, who he is, and who his friends are...
Obama is the one who thinks that there is something wrong with being Muslim, or he wouldn't hide it.
Nice try race baiter.

Anonymous said...

no, it's you. show me how obama has lied. SHOW ME. he has not lied. you are taking facts that are pretty much irrelevant to the presidency and claiming that because obama hasn't whipped out a picture of relatives in tradition clothing, he's lying.

no, you are lying. you are claiming he is lying when he chooses not to dwell on the things that you choose to make a big deal of.

i'm not a race baiter. i'm an exposer of irrational hate and fear, which is where you are obviously coming from.

The Game said...

I love how emotional libeals use the word "hate" when someone is bringing up facts about someone...
It seems to be a fact he went to Muslim school and was atleast partially grown up muslim...
I just want him to stop hiding from that and hiding from who is he, who he hangs out with and what he believes...

Scorpion said...

Irrational is anyone duped enough to vote for "oh no"Obama...who chooses choices of words very people who are certainly nothing more than vote for oh no"
I imagine its better to be anonymous...imagine that..

Anonymous said...

but that IS the point. he makes no secret of the fact that his father was a muslim. he makes no secret of the fact that he went to a muslim school.

"at least partially grown up muslim". this is a meaningless statement.

"just want him to stop hiding from that". hiding from what? i don't see him hiding from anything that's true.

"and hiding from who is he, who he hangs out with and what he believes..." again, i don't see him hiding from anything that is true despite your claims.

it is you who is trying to paint him as a terrorist by implying that he is actually a muslim manchurian candidate. he hides nothing. he chooses not to emphasize what is not relevant to his possible presidency.

blamin said...


He’s a socialist, a dangerous socialist that much is for sure. He may be Muslim, who knows, since he won’t be open and honest about the subject. And since he won’t be honest about the subject, we have no idea how radical he may be.

But – we do know he’s a dangerous socialist, so anything that can be used to defeat him is fair game! Since you liberals live by the “end justifies the means” credo, we’re going to fight fire with fire. Don’t like it? Tough shit – all’s fair in love and war.

And this is war! A culture war. Perhaps the most important conflict we've ever been involved in.

PCD said...

Anonymous, then why is Obama hiding his Birth Certificate? Me thinks he really was born in Kenya and brought to the US and illegally naturalized.

The Game said...

I love Hawaii

blamin said...


I think you meant "legally neuterized".

On top of all his other many, many problems, Obama is a wimp, a wuss, a wimpuss! In other words he's the perfect candidate as far as liberals are concerned.

PCD said...

Anonymous, what's your source, anti-american Socialist? Also, this is not an original birth certificate. It was laser printed on a form designed in 2001.

Oh, anon, when you moving to that liberal democracy, Zimbabwe? Your boy, Mugabe is beating and imprisoning the opposition, just like you want to do to all that oppose your Socialist Nirvana.

Jay Bullock said...

An actual reporter did the actual work of tracking down Malik Obama's actual words. Surprise! The paraphrase that got reported is total BS! Here's what Malik Obama said:

I don’t think that’s in any way going to be something to worry about. I myself am not speaking for him. But we are here, we love people in general. People love us. I myself love people who love me. You know, so, and I think it’s mutual. I can’t go in terms of Israel and Kenya and America, and so forth, you know, but based on what else I’ve heard him say and what I know of him as an individual, I don’t think Israel should worry too much, you know, about the connection. Because, I am a Muslim myself, and I don’t think that my being a Muslim has got anything to do with my brother being the President of the United States.

So Game, pcd, everyone else, tell me: What part of that means that "contrary to the claims of the Obama campaign, that the presidential candidate was raised a Moslem"? Anyone?